Zwölf Stämme in Tschechien Neues Leben nach altem Muster

Im September 2013 hatte die Glaubensgemeinschaft Zwölf Stämme für Schlagzeilen gesorgt. Damals hatten Landratsamt und Polizei ihre Kinder in Obhut genommen. Inzwischen hört man kaum mehr etwas über die Gemeinschaft – auch weil die Mitglieder ein neues Leben in Tschechien begonnen haben. Von: Judith Zacher Stand: 01.12.2016 |Bildnachweis Das Schild hängt noch am Eingang von…

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Spanish ex-member interview 2015 English

What follows is the transcript of the interview. To Watch the video with English subtitles please CLICK HERE Guillermo Altzate, who left the Twelve Tribes communities in the Basque country, leaving behind his wife who decided to stay, leaving him and their 3 children “for the love of Yahshua” recounts some of his experiences. Guillermo…

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More on Christianity/Quotes from teachings of Spriggs on Christianity

All that Christianity can produce is a false assumption based on a wrong postulation by which a person must draw a wrong conclusion about a puny Jesus called Christ by ignorant and deceived men. – Heresy 1 Christians have no problem serving two masters.  Their god and mammon are completely compatible.  They do not hate…

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What do they really think about Christianity? Christianity is full of deceptive birds. – The Personality of God in Us 8/25/94 In Christianity, there are no apostles, prophets or elders.  There are only hirelings who care nothing for the sheep.  – Elders and Deacons Christianity has mistranslated the Scriptures.  A spirit caused them to purposely…

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Quotes confirming Spriggs Authority

Spriggs Receives Unparalleled Adulation, Praise and Position “It grieves me that I was not connected or attached to Yoneq (Spriggs) ….Dullness prompted me to call you, when Yoneq should have been the one I sought wisdom from….All this stuff about Ayal’s baptism came about without Yoneq’s approval or knowledge of what was happening!” “Yoneq wants…

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Gems, pearls and diamonds – Spriggs/Yoneq Quotes

 TT (Yoneq/Spriggs) teachings concerning being “perfect” for outsiders and withholding the truth or outright lying in order to “make a stand:” “The only thing we have to be perfect in now is confessing our sins and speaking to people on the outside.  Or your conscience will haunt you night and day.” “There is a difference…

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