WWOOFers Comments & experiences

WWOOFers in France (link here to translated article) We did some woofing in a “community” . After a warm welcome by the charismatic leader, we gradually realized that it was a real cult. All people have Hebrew names, beard (for men!) A scarf (for women) and a diadem on their heads. The first days were…

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Sekte “Zwölf Stämme” Prügelnde Lehrerin bleibt weiter im Gefängnis

Source:Der Spiegel Sie schlug Kinder und hielt das für gottesfürchtige Erziehung: Eine prügelnde Lehrerin der Sekte “Zwölf Stämme” bleibt weiter in Haft. Das entschied das Oberlandesgericht München. Die Angeklagte Marina P. bei der Verhandlung im Sommer 2016 vor dem Landgericht Augsburg (mit ihrem Anwalt Alexander Knief) Freitag, 23.12.2016   16:48 Uhr Drucken Nutzungsrechte Feedback Kommentieren…

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Totally broke, need assistance, family just came out of the TT

Please go their Go Fund Me donation page: https://www.gofundme.com/totally-broke-need-assistance My four kids and I began our lives in February, ending a 20+ years long experience in the The Twelve Tribes. Friends and family have been extremely helpful, but starting out financially has been difficult.Recently, someone we trusted crashed our car, and will not own up….

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Zwölf Stämme in Tschechien Neues Leben nach altem Muster

Im September 2013 hatte die Glaubensgemeinschaft Zwölf Stämme für Schlagzeilen gesorgt. Damals hatten Landratsamt und Polizei ihre Kinder in Obhut genommen. Inzwischen hört man kaum mehr etwas über die Gemeinschaft – auch weil die Mitglieder ein neues Leben in Tschechien begonnen haben. Von: Judith Zacher Stand: 01.12.2016 |Bildnachweis Das Schild hängt noch am Eingang von…

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Gems, pearls and diamonds – Spriggs/Yoneq Quotes

 TT (Yoneq/Spriggs) teachings concerning being “perfect” for outsiders and withholding the truth or outright lying in order to “make a stand:” “The only thing we have to be perfect in now is confessing our sins and speaking to people on the outside.  Or your conscience will haunt you night and day.” “There is a difference…

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Doze Tribos e a vida em comunidade #11

Source: https://www.jafezasmalas.com/doze-tribos-e-a-vida-em-comunidade/ Doze Tribos e a vida em comunidade #11 Victor Reider Loureiro 21 de setembro de 2016 Efeito Borboleta Após sair da Chácara Marfil, em Bocaiuva do Sul, segui para Campo Largo, com as Doze Tribos novamente como destino. O trajeto de uma cidade a outra, passando por Curitiba, foi bem rápido. Ao chegar…

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