More than good food part1

This initial video begins to explore a few issues related to the Twelve Tribes and their business fronts Yellow Deli and farmer’s market booth, which are used to recruit and fundraise in Nelson, BC Canada. The main topics that are featured here are “child discipline” trans/homo-phobia and the structure of the organization behind the Twelve Tribes cult. Please share your stories below or on our facebook page: To provide contact about testimonials or to make a donation to help with future productions, please email us at:

2 Comments On “More than good food part1”

  1. Danny*Hexadecimal_Queer

    LOL, now they aren’t homophobic but already transphobic.
    I wonder what their attitude towards third sex, intersexuality, non-binary gender and the rest of the 666 new sexes is.

    Makes me shudder reading stuff like that “trans*whatever”. What a messed up world

  2. When I was traveling through British Columbia and ended up in Nelson I found their café the yellow deli. I was looking for work trade opportunity so I helped him out at the café for a few hours or more. I talked with a woman of the group about various believes and traditions. To say the least everything sounded very odd and she was so nice and also asked me way to many questions.Anyways they offered me one after famous iced mates, And I felt very drowsy after and very weird. Luckily I decided not to go back to the farm and I left with another traveler friend to find somewhere else to go that night. Have to say left a sour taste in my mouth

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