German spanking sect moved to the Czech Republic (in German)

Original title: Deutsche Prügel-Sekte zog nach Tschechien

Source: Fokus Europa

The controversial early Christian sect “Twelve Tribes” left Germany after being convicted of child abuse and a sect member received a prison sentence, with some children still under the care of the German Youth Welfare Office.

7 Comments On “German spanking sect moved to the Czech Republic (in German)”

  1. Amen! Let’s hope they get caught wherever they are yet lets pray for these childrens safety with their dysfunctional parents

  2. I’d like to point out that coporal punishment with one’s children at home, in school and in public is absolutely legal in CZ republic. Just like in most parts of the world.

    Ich möchte noch betonen, dass körperliche züchtigung nach der Bibel ABSOLUT legal ist in CZ, genauso wie im überwiegenden Teil der Welt.

    • Yes! To date, 52 countries have an absolute ban on corporal punishment of children. 128 countries have absolutely outlawed the use of corporal punishment in schools, including in the home-schooling environment. There are many countries, like Australia, which have not imposed an absolute ban in the parental sphere, but have imposed the legal limit of “reasonable force”. Leaving “blue marks” certainly transgresses the standard of reasonable force.

      As a lawyer of 10 yrs, and a daughter of a parents who have worked in child protection for more than 45 yrs, I have seen the deleterious impacts of corporal punishment gone wrong. Too many terrible acts have been committed against too many children in the name of God.

      I had a child with a guy who subsequently joined the Twelve Tribes. He recently left the group (thank God), but the twisted teachings continue to be reflected in his controlling, authoritarian behaviour towards us.

      On occasions when we visited “the community”, I saw children jump in fear when their parents spoke. I saw a small child (about 4) hit her crying baby sister (6 mths) and tell her to “be quiet!”. Children learn by imitation. It does not require any great leap of imagination to deduce that this girl was mimicking her parents’ violent treatment of the crying baby.

      I pray for these kids every day. That they may learn a gentler way.

      The great risk is that violence becomes normalised and doomed to repeat through the generations.

      Science now shows that violence experienced in early childhood literally shrinks the brain. By stunting the growth of our youth, we limit the possibility of coexisting in future that is more loving, less fearful, and more peaceful. There is more than enough violence in this world already.

      “A nation’s greatness is measured by how it treats its weakest members.” (Mahatma Ghandi)

      • Proper education including corporal punishment is not violence.
        LOL about that “brain shrinking” and peaceful world thing.
        I had been brought up by feminist-style broken family and believe me: THIS is the cause of rebellion and violence.
        Though there was almost zero corporal punishment in my upbringing, I had been the most violent and literaly blood thirsty teen you can imagine.

        “coexisting in future that is more loving, less fearful, and more peaceful.” – Forget about that!

        • In fact, all cases of unruly and violent behavior I have to know throughout my childhood were mostly either children of broken families or parents following the teachings of the “liberation movement” (1968′s generation) where children were granted unruly behavior up to the point to terrorize and rule over own parents and toture and kill animals at pleasure, steal and destroy other people’s properties and generally don’t have respect for others.
          During my “social hours” punishments this has been a consistent pattern.
          Sorry to tell you, but no, the world won’t be a better place if we outlaw strict upbringing by loving parents and ban the rod…

    • I would like to point out most countries have a prohibition on pot and gay marriage but that doesn’t make it right. If the number of countries that have something banned was a judge for the legitimacy of a policy then nothing would ever change.

  3. Just as Ron Paul cured my political apathy,
    just visiting the twelve tribes cured my social apathy.

    I am so thankful that visiting the TT completely cured my extreme hatred towards minorities especially jews. Thank You TT for showing me a light in absolute darkness and giving me a hope although I did not join (yet)…but just knowing that TT exists calms me down significantly…

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