TOWANDA — A couple accused in the death of their child were sentenced Monday in Bradford County

Source: ABC The news station June 27, 2016, by Kristina Papa Ebed Delozier was sentenced to 4 to 23 months in prison. His wife Christine Delozier received 16 months on probation.  Both pleaded guilty to involuntary manslaughter back in April. The couple’s sentencing was painful for family and friends who watched as a grieving mother…

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20 Diversion Tactics Highly Manipulative Narcissists, Sociopaths And Psychopaths Use To Silence You

Source:Thought 30 June 2016 Shahida Arabi 509 Comments Toxic people such as malignant narcissists, psychopaths and those with antisocial traits engage in maladaptive behaviors in relationships that ultimately exploit, demean and hurt their intimate partners, family members and friends. They use a plethora of diversionary tactics that distort the reality of their victims and…

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Sekte “Zwölf Stämme” Prügelnde Lehrerin zu zwei Jahren Haft verurteilt

Source: Der Spiegel Eine Lehrerein der Sekte “Zwölf Stämme” muss für zwei Jahre ins Gefängnis. Das Landgericht Augsburg verurteilte sie wegen Körperverletzung und Misshandlung. Die Frau hatte ihre Schüler geschlagen. DPA Marina P. (rechts) zusammen mit ihrem Anwalt Alexander Knief vor dem Landgericht Augsburg Dienstag, 21.06.2016   13:59 Uhr Drucken Nutzungsrechte Feedback Kommentieren Eine Lehrerin…

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La communaute de Tabitha’s Place au Bearn

Source: France3Aquitaine-26 Mai 2016 La partie de l’émission qui traite de Tabitha’s Place débute à 14:06 mns et fini à 22:00 mns. Mouvement Religieux d’inspiration Chrétienne pour ses membres… Secte pour ses détracteurs… La communauté Tabitha’s Place est installée à Sus, en Béarn, depuis 1983. Ses fidèles vivent comme les premiers chrétiens, refusant notamment tout…

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The Lil Yellow Deli hopes to help fill the void the Sleepless Goat left in Kingston

Source: The Kingston 25 May 2016                                        By Mandy Marciniak News – When the Sleepless Goat closed in Kingston, many were upset; the downtown coffee collective was always thought of as an inclusive and inviting space and many were sad to see it go. Luckily, a new deli is hoping to bring those same types…

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The brutal education and strict rules of the Twelve Tribes Von Claudia Frickel May 23, 2016 Translated from the German ****Some liberties were taken with the original German text in order to better describe Elbert Eugene Spriggs (the leader and founder) of the Twelve Tribes ****The Bible-based Twelve Tribes cult implicitly obeys the teachings of its “Apostle” and founder Elbert Eugene Spriggs.  If they…

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The Ugly Truth Behind Real-Life Cults (inc. 12 T.)

Source: VANITY FAIR,The Path Fact-Checked: The Ugly Truth Behind Real-Life Cults The new Hulu drama premieres on Wednesday. by Julie Miller March 30, 2016 5:55 pm When Jessica Goldberg first sat down to create The Path—the hour-long Hulu drama about family members in a fictional cult—she focused first on the core marital couple, played by…

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Preserved Seed Farm in the Czech Republic

March 22, 2016 Translated from the Czech (Cheryl – web mistress) The Twelve Tribes is a Bible-based group and they use the Hebrew name Yahshua (Jesus) for the Son of God. Communal children cannot engage in fantasy or play with toys or watch television or listen to worldly music. Books, newspapers, libraries, radio, Internet and…

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This Woman Was Raised By a Notorious Cult. Here’s How She Finally Got Away.

Source: Project Literacy-March 2016 by Kirstin Kelley 15 March 2016 This story is part of an ongoing campaign called the Alphabet of Illiteracy. By using letters themselves—the foundation of reading and writing—Project Literacy examines the ways illiteracy underpins some of the greatest challenges facing the world today. Below, we explore the letter R for “radicalization.”  For many of us, cults are…

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