La CEDH donne raison aux autorités allemandes

Source: UNADFI La Cour européenne des droits de l’homme (CEDH) a statué que les autorités allemandes avaient eu raison de retirer les enfants de la communauté des Douze Tribus (connue en France sous le nom de Tabitha’s Place) pour leur éviter de subir de nouveaux sévices corporels. En 2013, un reportage tourné en caméra cachée…

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European court upholds German move to take kids from sect

Source: The Associated Press-National Post David Rising March 22, 2018 BERLIN — The European Court of Human Rights on Thursday upheld Germany’s decision to take away the children of families in a Christian sect to protect them from being disciplined by caning, agreeing the punishment constituted child abuse and authorities were left with no choice….

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Secte: la CEDH donne raison à l’Allemagne

Source: Agence France Presse-Journal Metro 22 mars 2018 BERLIN — Les autorités allemandes ont eu raison de retirer les enfants vivant au sein d’une secte chrétienne pour les empêcher d’être disciplinés à coups de bâton, a tranché jeudi la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme (CEDH). Le tribunal a confirmé qu’un tel traitement constitue de…

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Germany: Court backs Twelve Tribes Church child care order after human rights corporal punishment dispute

Source: March 22, 2018 – European Convention of Human Rights Human rights judges today endorsed German courts’ decisions to take children belonging to the Twelve Tribes Church into care. In today’s Chamber judgments in the cases of Tlapak and Others v. Germany (nos. 11308/16 and 11344/16) and Wetjen and Others v. Germany (application nos. 68125/14…

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A religious cult makes Kingston its home

Source: The Yellow Deli is across the street from 655 Princess March 9, 2018 In the shadow of a new multi-story student housing development on Princess St., a seemingly-innocuous local restaurant sprung up in the summer of 2016. On its surface, the Yellow Deli is a great spot to grab a Reuben and a…

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Twelve Tribes community: has abused their children in Germany! Now they have come to us . . . .

Source: translated by Question12Tribes team Jan Dolezal Oct. 1, 2017 Members of the Twelve Tribes sect, which the local German authorities have investigated for child abuse in 2013 moved from the Federal Republic to the Czech Republic in 2013.  According to German officials, there is no Twelve Tribes sect left in Germany.  After the…

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