Las Doce Tribus

Fuente: unavueltaenbici.blogspot 30 de octubre de 2013 14-20/10  ESPAÑA   Acampamos en un golf, privado por supuesto, a 2 km de la frontera con España. Nos levantamos muuuuuyyy temprano y nos fuimos con las primeras luces del día cuando ya estaban cortando el césped de los “green”. Apenas atravesamos la frontera se detiene un auto…

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The church of Dylan

Source: News cut, 2013 Bob Collins September 14, 2013 Bob Dylan has had a cult-like following ever since he figured out how to get out of Minnesota. Now, however, he has a cult literally following him. The New Yorker’s John Clarke writes today about the Twelve Tribes, a group that actively recruits “heavily inebriated and…

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Who are these apocalyptic ‘Twelve Tribes’ Jesus freaks following Bob Dylan around?

Source: Dangerous minds blog-09/10/2013 Have you heard about the Twelve Tribes group of “Amish-style” hippies—the men have beards, headbands, and ponytails and the women dress like Old West extras on Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman—who have been following Bob Dylan’s tour around in a bus handing out a freaky 24-page ‘zine (“Dylan: What Are You Thinking?”)…

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Twelve Tribes: Turning Community into Legalism

Source: Juicy Ecumenism blog May 30, 2013 By Aaron Gaglia (@GagliaAC) Recently, in Christian circles there have been conversations concerning the merits of radical Christianity. Many followers of Jesus have a feeling that pursuing the American dream is not compatible with Christianity and that there must be something more to the Christian life. As one…

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conversation between a Christian and a Twelve Tribes member

found here:   3 thoughts on “The Return of the Yellow Deli” I recently visited and talked with some people there. One of the gentlemen there asked me a question:“If you can’t really face the selfishness within yourself, then what business do you have trying to address the selfishness in others?” I wasn’t sure exactly…

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Les Douze Tribus

Source: popoetmax blog Publié le 22 Décembre 2012 Nous avons fait du woofing dans une “communauté”. Apres un accueil chaleureux par le leader charismatique, nous avons compris peu à peu qu’il s’agissait d’une vraie secte. Toutes les personnes ont des noms hebreu, de la barbe (pour les hommes ! ), un fichu (pour les femmes)…

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