The Hate Group and the Grassroots Music Fest

Source: by Michael I. Niman 7/15/10 Adapted from ArtVoice 10/20/05 It certainly seems wholesome enough, a small tea house with staffed by friendly smiling and seemingly down to earth folks. What’s not readily apparent is that shoppers on four continents are simultaneously walking into Mate Factor and Yerba Mate tea houses or Common Ground…

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The Twelve Tribes….. Who are they?

Source: MM Outreach.Inc October 2004 The Twelve Tribes communes are springing up all over North America, drawing off followers from the various churches. They follow the teachings of Elbert Eugene Spriggs, a three-times divorced man, remarried for the fourth time. Being bitterly disillusioned with the established churches, he identifies them with the Whore of Babylon,…

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Peacemaker bus used for recruitment of drug fueled Phish followers

8/2004 They like their women subservient, their homosexuals closeted and their children kept in line via strict corporal punishment. 8/26/09 Keep your children away.  They like little girls for production and boys for slave labor. 8/4/2010 So we get on the bus, and I get some really good hot cocoa and they clean my lip. …

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“Cult” child abuse cases often bungled (inc. 12t.)

Source: Cult News ,30 October 2002 An excellent editorial appeared in the Edmonton Journal written by Paula Simons regarding the background history of a Canadian “cult” child abuse case. Lucille Poulin, the leader of the “Four Winds Commune” was convicted on five counts of assault for beating children within her group. Her defense was essentially…

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Who we truly follow

Article by ex-member from USA Our households gather at the beginning and end of each day to thank and praise our creator and “Apostle” Elbert Eugene Spriggs for all that he has done for us.  During the gatherings all baptized members regurgitate the teachings of our cult leader Elbert Eugene Spriggs (Yoneq).  In an interview…

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An open letter to a prospective member of the “Messianic Communities” cult (a.k.a. “The Twelve Tribes”)

Source: christians This open letter was originally addressed to Kevin, a prospective member of an organization which calls itself Messianic Communities (and also The Twelve Tribes). Editor’s note to readers: Please do not confuse this cult with legitimate followers of Christ who call themselves Messianic believers or Messianic congregations or communities. I commend you…

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“Cults” go “Phishing”

Source: Cult News December 22, 2000 Rick Ross Since the death of Jerry Garcia in 1995 another band called the Phish seems to have filled the void that the Grateful Dead left behind. “Phish heads” have largely replaced the cult following of the “Dead heads” that once wandered nomadically from concert to concert devoted to…

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Elbert Eugene Spriggs and the Elijah

Does Spriggs really claim to be the Elijah? ___________________________ This is why Elijah must come to raise up the age-old foundation, restore the church to the Israel of YHWH.  Mt. 17:11.  The Roman, (Greek, and Protestant are completely off the foundation of Messiah). Apostasy, Apostate Israel today The Elijah will deal absolutely in the Spirit…

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