12 Tribes France TV Doc 2007 English Subtitles

This documentary was aired on French TV in 2007. The original title, translated reads: Children under cults mind control. It is in total more than 1 hour long with the first section on the 12 Tribes being in total 32 mns and the rest being dedicated to investigate the Jehovah’s Witnesses organization.  The whole documentary…

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Danos causados por algumas seitas e NMR (ref. as Doze Tribos)

Source: Acidigital    /  related paper from ICSA: http://www.icsahome.com/articles/cultism–a-conference-for-scholars-policy-makers-csj-3-1 Lic. José Maria Baamonde Apesar do que normalmente a sociedade acredita, são muitos os danos causados por certos novos movimentos religiosos e não somente no âmbito das pessoas que aderem ou seus familiares mais próximos. A seguir consignaremos uma lista elaborada pela Wingspread Conference, reunida na cidade…

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Common Ground, Common Thieves

Cheryl L ex-member experiences I first encountered “Reya” (Bill Johnson) and “Olah” (Kathy Johnson) after reading a newspaper article describing the Twelve Tribes communal group in Lakeview, N.Y. in October of 1995.  Upon meeting the larger household with whom they lived, Twelve Tribes members greeted me with smiles, hugs, compliments, tea, Hebrew dancing and testimonies….

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The most dangerous cult of all

Robert T. Pardon   Bob Pardon is director of the New England Institute of Religious Research (NEIRR), and of MeadowHaven, a cult recovery facility, in Lakeville, Massachusetts (see www.neirr.org).  He has been an AIIA Resource Associate since 1995. I recently received an e-mail that contained the following message in its subject line: “URGENT CRISIS!” My…

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Twelve Tribes cult: Looks like a quaint “Amish” type group

But truth be told…. Factnet NewsBlog editor’s note: I just recently worked with a reporter from NBC in Kansas City, Mo. on a spot he was doing about the Twelve Tribes.  His story was focused on the “child abuse aspect” of the Tribes until he found how many different destructive traits he could have investigated…

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Yoneq = “Apostle”

“Shimon: “I  want to repent for my dullness.  I’m so thankful for the sensitivity and discernment Yoneq possesses.  I know I am affected deeply by my past involvement in Christianity.  I was blind in asking Grace to sing that song last night.  It was an admixture.  It is a wicked spirit that brings good feelings…

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