Elijah and the Spirit of Elijah
The king of the universe is coming to earth (this will change your life). A question of two things a question of reality and power. The contest between those who are speaking is a matter of deeds. I Jn. 3:18 The ELIJAH will be be the embodiment of the power of God ministering spirit and life from the living and true God. Whoever comes in contact with a ministry for good or evil, experiences the presence of God. The path of the Elijah will be a path no other has tread or could tread. Matt. 17:11
He will be the living realization of the top most height of the mount. He will walk on heights of the earth. The type of John the Baptist lifted the axe to the tree for the fruit of repentance. James 4:4 The enemies of God will be those that profess to be believers but love the world. John was the forerunner Matt. 3:8 of the King – the forerunner of the kingdom (the church) produces the Elijah. The Elijah can only come forth from absolute repentance. Until one reaches absolute repentance in every aspect of his life, he will not be part of the Elijah. “He will be one who produces the fruit of repentance.” He will be one who pleads before God to purify him of the sin that possesses him, to make him one that overcomes because of the Lamb, one that has fellowship with God or who knows emancipation, one who knows peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.
When Israel’s apostasy had reached its peak, an absolute opposite appeared on the scene for it will be today in Elijah’s day. The antagonism to Ahab’s and Israel’s apostasy appeared on the scene (the apostasy must first come). The Elijah will be perfectly mature when the apostasy reaches its maximum. Elijah (John) dwelt in the wilderness until the time of his appearance. The Elijah in the apostasy of Israel (the word of the Lord had not been heard in 400 years). John the Baptist with axe in hand excommunicated the whole nation Israel and called for their baptism. Matt. 17:11 Elijah always calls for baptism and reconciliation as the enemies of God always do to them as they wish Matt. 17:9-13.
Matt 3:17 is when Christ knew who He was. Mal. 4:5 takes a long time. If you are not diligently raising up your children, you or they are not part of the Elijah. You must pray for them Prov. 13:24. Over time diligently discipline them.
Isa. 58:13-14 If we call the Sabbath a delight He will then ride in the heights of the earth. We receive what we ask because we keep His commands and do what He says. We are to believe and (equally important) love one another. I Jn. 3:22; Mal 1:3.
Zeph. 3:11-12 The meal offering cannot be pure unless the burnt offering is pure. Jesus said have salt with yourselves. Mark 9:49 Every man’s life must be a salted burnt offering, a sacrifice to God. The salt of the sacrifice is the purifying fire of affliction. Rom. 12:1; Mark 9:50 – Have a heart seasoned with salt (purity) have salt within you – then you can live at peace with one another. The fire is the fire of discipline that makes disciples. I Pet. 1:7-3-7 Matt. 3:11 He baptizes us into where the fire is. Lev. 2:13; II Chron. 3:5; Covenant of salt peace; Num. 18:19; II Sam. 7:12.
Salt within yourself keeps out leaven and is essential to health and vigor, an eternal preserver of redemption is always seasoned with fire. We do not refuse God’s work in us, we must not reject the Holy Spirit’s work in our life.
Meal offering – No ambitious rivalry or self-seeking, selfish intent, no malice (ill will or evil intention) no evil thought in the ministry of Christ. There is no sin in Him – likewise for the believers, no ill motive in His service. Eph. 4:5; 5:1-5; Mal. 1:11, 3:2-3.
Meal offering is a perpetual offering in the line of the priest until the king of heaven the Messiah reigns. It is most holy. It speaks of all your possessions and property. Mal. 1:11, 2:3 – The ministry of Elijah – the greater part was used for food which represents the offerer’s person and property, body and possessions. The sanctification of the person and his actions Rom. 12:1. The Jews will never be made jealous apart from a pure meal offering). The offering must come from a pure heart without ill motive. The burnt offering obtained full acceptance for his life so he comes next to give up his whole substance to the Lord who has redeemed him. The mercies of God compel him to do this along with every one else who is having all things in common. The meal offering is presented along with some animal sacrifice in order to see the connection between the pardon of sin and his devotion of himself to God. I Cor. 6:19-20; Heb. 11:14
Cain’s offering (as a meal offering) could have been acceptable as a meal offering, if it had been founded on the slain Lamb. Heb. 11:4. He offered it all as if it were not under the curse, and needed no blood first to wash them. He sought to be accepted on his own holiness, and militated against a salvation by God. His work and property substituted for Christ work to pacify his own conscience.
Abel’s righteous deed was offering the burnt offering – we cannot put the sacrifices work of the Holy Spirit before our justification. The meal offering was presented daily along with the other sacrifices. Isaiah 66:20, Lev. 8:35-36. The people are the meal offering. The chief offering shows forth Christ and all His work of obedience. He was subjected to every various suffering (baked). The burnt offering being presented and consumed – by absolute obedience to the Father’s will in His human nature and meal offering. All that belonged to Him, His property (us). We are accepted as well as His sacrifice, for He and all that is His was forever set apart and accepted by the Father.
Ps. 116:16-19.
It represented Him and all those in Him. The church is presented to the Father and accepted. Phil. 2:19 He gave up all (and every one in Him). He will delight to give up His kingdom to the Father, we must also do the same (Our reasonable acceptable service). We must rest on the burnt offering. The meal offering takes salvation out of the realm of doctrine and puts it in the realm of faith and grace (We are saved unto good works (Eph 2:8-10).
Malachi means “my messenger” written around the time of Ezra and Nehemiah when the returning remnant went into apostasy from lack of vision and motivation. God had truly stirred up their hearts but they failed to rebuild the walls. They had come out of Babylon but went into something worse. There was also a shortage of workers. The Joshua’s and Caleb’s who have the precise vision to rally around the apostles. (Dan 2:44)
There are many whose hearts are stirred up, but there is a general lack of precise vision. This was about 100 years after the captivity of Babylon, and they floundered in the wilderness, waiting for someone to lead them Neh. 1:11.
New. 11:1-13 The reconstitution of Israel. The building of the walls was first (Baptism I Cor. 16:9 with great opposition. The renewing of the covenant Neh. 3:17, 7:5 The Lord stirred up multitudes of people, but hardly anyone wanted to pay the price to do it. They are all Americanized today.