Sects and Cults: Thriving Trade in Misery

Source: The Guardian, Workers Weekly Religious organisations are exploiting government strategies of off-loading their social obligations. by: Bob Briton April 4 2008 Thee revelations just keep on coming. Secretive and controlling Christian fundamentalist organizations fronting as mainstream services and businesses have hit the headlines of the Sydney dailies lately. Mercy Ministries promotes itself as a…

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Sect subject to scrutiny

Source: The Sydney Morning Herald/March 25, 2008 By Paul Bibby The general manager of the Royal Easter Show said he would not be surprised if a cafe run at the event by a Christian sect was inspected by the state’s workplace watchdog after revelations its workers were not being paid. Michael Collins said officers from…

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Spare the rod and spoil the …

Source: Sydney Morning Herald March 24, 2008 Harsh discipline of children is a central tenet of a religious sect operating in Picton, writes Tim Elliott.   In 1999 Matthew Klein had a revelation. Fed up with mainstream Christianity, the then 30-year-old industrial chemist, his wife and two young children went to live on a nine-hectare…

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Sect woos recruits among the fairy floss at Easter Show

Source: Sydney Morning Herald Tim Elliott March 24, 2008 AMONG the fairy floss and fun rides at this year’s Royal Easter Show, one of the most popular attractions is the Common Ground cafe, a wholefood outlet that specialises in organic breads and barramundi burgers. The show’s website touts the cafe’s “unique flavours and energy”, calling…

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Maté with a message, Colorado Springs Independent February 28, 2008 Manitou café mixes religion with its brew, but dismisses ‘cult’ catcalls By Amanda Lundgren L’Aura Montgomery Dayag Anashiym and his wife, Tsebiah Shel Dayag, with their drink of choice. The Maté Factor in Manitou Springs is something of a mystery to many. Before my visits, I didn’t even…

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“Cult” gets free advertising in Colorado newspaper

Source: Cultnews DaAdmin Miscellaneous 2008-02-28 “Twelve Tribes,” a notorious religious group, often called a “cult,” has apparently moved into a town in Colorado, Manitou Springs. The group is ruled by a self-proclaimed “prophet”/dictator named Elbert Eugene Spriggs (see photo with wife left). The sect has opened a café the “Maté Factor” and two group homes,…

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The Twelve Tribes Money Machine

Source: yattblogspot 2008 February 18, 2008 The life of the typical Twelve Tribes member is very simple.  Women’s dresses and “Sus” pants are hand made and most other clothes are bought at thrift stores.  Much of the communities organic food is self grown.  Members have given up all their possessions and do not have worldly…

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Une crêperie bio, façade de la secte Tabitha’s Place

soure:le Huffingtonpost 25 octobre 2007 Cette communauté qui prône les châtiments corporels sur les enfants s’installe à Châtillon-sur-Indre. Le site de la secte…ça fait peur… | D.R. Les adeptes de la secte Tabitha’s Place ont acheté pour 50.000 euros une bâtisse moyenâgeuse de dix pièces dans l’Indre, à Châtillon-sur-Indre et n’attendent plus que le feu vert…

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