Twelve Tribes child abuse: After The Raid 1

  This documentary is post-raid in Bavaria in September 2013 where the authorities took 40 children into state custody away from the 12 Tribes communities. It recaps the events that lead to the raid and brings us insight into the childtraining methods practised in this international group that call themselves the Twelve Tribes of Israel…

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The Jungian Psychology behind the Twelve Tribes Cult

Part One An Interview I did with Darryl Verville, an excellent (and highly rated) program focusing on the Jungian psychology behind groups like the Twelve Tribes. Darryl speaks in a frank way about his personal experiences with the Twelve Tribes. It should be noted that Darryl also has extensive background with intentional communities, tribal clans…

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Insight – Changing a Mindset

This week Jenny Brockie hears from people whose beliefs were extreme and sometimes downright dangerous. She finds out how their ideologies came unstuck and what the lessons are for de-radicalisation programs. Transcript – Download Meet the Guests Lebana Ilich Lebana was born into the Twelve Tribes after her parents had joined the group a year…

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