Twelve Tribes founder accused of racist views

The Asheville Citizen Times Dale Neal November 8, 1998 Twelve Tribes Community founder Elbert Spriggs’ controversial interpretation of slavery in the Scripture seems to provide ammunition for the anonymous fliers circulating around Asheville that criticize the Bible-based cult as racist. But a community member now in Asheville says the teaching is easily misunderstood, taken out…

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The Community – Natasha’s Story

Source: Twelve  Scholastic Scope March 9, 1998 Natasha was born into what most people would consider a cult, but what she came to call the “community.”  She grew up moving from town to town and house to home with her parents, living with dozens of other adults and kids who weren’t part of her…

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The death of baby Raphael Ginhoux

Humanity Presse April 8, 1997 Yesterday morning, the police visited a local cult “Tabitha’s Place” located in the Pyrenees after the death of a baby on Thursday. The group is considered very unorthodox.  The prosecutor investigated the parents over the weekend when he discovered the child was suffering from malnutrition and child endangerment. Yesterday about…

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Smiles cover the mystery at Tabitha’s Place. Physicians examined 79 sect children when Raphael died Thursday.

Source of translation: Cheryl – Web mistress of Twelve Original source: Liberation.Fr April 8, 1997 Translated from the French In the courtyard, a group of children wave at the visitors. Little girls and women wear long hair, baggy skirts that cover the ankles, dresses, or sus pants and braids. The boys and men sport…

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Twelve Tribes The Commonwealth of Deceit

Source: A true church They call themselves the “Twelve Tribes, The Commonwealth of Israel.” This began with a man named Gene Spriggs ( In a matter of approximately thirty years this movement grew to be “communities being raised up in twelve geographical areas” ( They view the different communities in which they live as the…

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Common Ground cult leaflets neighborhood with rabidly anti-gay pamphlets

Dorchester Community News Sean Cahill May 10, 1996 The Bible-based cult which runs the popular Common Ground restaurant in Lower Mills has in recent weeks leafletted several Dorchester neighborhoods with virulently anti-gay literature, which could easily be construed as encouraging violence against lesbians, gays and transgender residents.  The cult, whose members dress in old fashioned…

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Cultists protest raid

The Winnipeg Sun Mike McIntyre April 11, 1996 Police search for kids actually ‘witch-hunt’ Angry members of a local religious cult say there were ulterior motives behind raids more than 70 police officers conducted yesterday in a search for two kidnapped kids. Cops hit four homes and two businesses just before 6 a.m. looking for…

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Cultists protest raid

Cultists protest raid The Winnipeg Sun Mike McIntyre April 11, 1996 Police search for kids actually ‘witch-hunt’ Angry members of a local religious cult say there were ulterior motives behind raids more than 70 police officers conducted yesterday in a search for two kidnapped kids. Cops hit four homes and two businesses just before 6…

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