Rock Festival bans Twelve Tribes sect

Source: The Guardian Jeevan Vasagar July 5, 2000 The Twelve Tribes sect was banned from attending this year’s Reading Festival after the Guardian revealed that the cult was using rock events to distribute anti-Semitic literature. The festival organiser, Mean Fiddler, yesterday turned down an application from Twelve Tribes to bring its mobile cafe, The Common…

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Racist sect digs in at rock festivals

Source: The Guardian-4 July 2000 Christian fundamentalists are taking advantage of open air music gatherings to spread anti-semitic messages A Christian fundamentalist religious movement which describes Jews as “murderers” is using rock festivals, including Glastonbury and Reading, to recruit young people.Twelve Tribes, whose 24-hour cafe, The Common Ground, was a popular meeting point at this…

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The raid revisited: Island Pond community heals wounds from 1984

Source: The Burlington (Vermont) Free Press From The Burlington (Vt.) Free Press, June 18, 2000 By Nancy Bazilchuk ISLAND POND — John Dodge, 23, looked a little out of place at the Twelve Tribes church’s community gathering Saturday. An Island Pond native, he grew up calling the church members “Moonies,” threw pennies on the roofs…

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The Twelve Tribes Community is a cult

Fascist These are some of the oppressive rules of the Twelve Tribes Community (cult). 1.Members can not think for them selves.  In the cult members must        blindly follow what the leaders (‘shepherds”) say. 2.    I asked an elder once if they ever agree to disagree but love each       …

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The Boston Globe Jordana Hatt 8/25/99 Lakeville – A nursing home that sits empty and ramshackle in farm country about 50 miles south of Boston is slated to open next summer as the nations first residential home for people who have left or escaped religious mind-control groups.The New England Institute of Religious Research, which says…

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Suffer the little Children

Byline: Chris Griffiths Special Report The Sunday Mail, August 22, 1999, pages 14, 15 Brisbane, Qld, Australia   A BIZARRE bible cult, which advocates beating children before they are old enough to walk, is recruiting in Queensland. Sources say it plans to set up at Maleny on the Sunshine Coast. Twelve Tribes Mission, also called…

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