The Mate Factor tea brand and cafe businesses of the Bible-based Twelve Tribes cult

October 2015 Kickshaw Today I read “Children of the Tribes” by Julia Scheeres, an article about alleged abusive practices of unpaid labor and child abuse in the Twelve Tribes cult.  This paragraph from the article caught my eye: The Tribes now has communities at 12 locations around the globe, most of them in New England,…

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Twelve Tribes cult is withdrawing from Germany

Bayerischer Rundfunk September 1, 2015 Translated from the German (Cheryl) The controversial Bible-based cult Twelve Tribes will definitely leave their property in Klosterzimmern in the district of Donau-Ries and turn their backs on Germany said the spokesman Martin Muller. The sect announced their decision at a press conference. The community feels its rights to freedom…

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Dvanáct kmenů: Sekta, nebo alternativní životní styl?

Source:–1488375 Hosté Hergot!u Aleš Heuler a Štefan Klein z farmy Uchované semínko, která je komunitní usedlostí Dvanácti kmenů v České republiceFoto: Dominik Čejka Pokud jste už slyšeli o společenství Dvanáct kmenů, je pravděpodobné, že jste na jeho název narazili v souvislosti s kontroverzním policejním zásahem, který proběhl před dvěma lety v Německu. Policie tehdy odebrala…

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No charges for Twelve Tribes member kidnap suspects

Source: Escondido Grapevine Posted By: dweisman September 11, 2015 The San Diego County District Attorney’s Office announced recently no charges would be filed against three people accused of kidnapping a relative from the Twelve Tribes Community Church compound in Vista. A spokesman said kidnapping charges couldn’t “be proved beyond a reasonable doubt.” The relative was…

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Rechtsstreit wegen Züchtigung “Zwölf Stämme” ziehen aus Deutschland weg

Source: Mitglieder der Sekte “Zwölf Stämme” verlassen Deutschland nach 20 Jahren. Nach Prügelvorwürfen hatten Jugendamt und Polizei Dutzende Kinder aus der Glaubensgemeinschaft herausgeholt. Klosterzimmern in Bayern: Hier wollen die “Zwölf Stämme” nicht bleiben Freitag, 04.09.2015   17:44 Uhr Drucken Nutzungsrechte Feedback Kommentieren Die “Zwölf Stämme” wollen nicht länger in Deutschland leben und lösen ihre…

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Children of the Tribes-1rst Sept 2015

 This excellent, well researched article was published by Pacific Standard, a National Magazine, Award-winning, bimonthly based out of California. The whole article can be seen on Pacific Standard’s online magazine: here The following are the first paragraphs: Shuah Jones, 15, stuffed clothes under her bed blankets in the shape of a body, grabbed her diary…

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Inside the Twelve Tribes

Source: 26 aug 2015 Despite media exposés over the years, members who have left the controversial religious sect known as the Twelve Tribes claim that the group continues to beat children, exploit them as free workers, and deny them access to education and modern medicine. When do religious protections protect too much? Pacific Standard…

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