Yellow Deli People: Mellow believers or cult of opportunists? (+responses)

Source: San Diego                                                     Turning back the clock 2000 years is no easy task   By Dorian Hargrove, Jan. 2, 2013  Images by Howie Rosen      Where members of the Twelve Tribes want to go, they don’t need roads. Not only are roads unneeded, there is no need for cars or personal possessions. All…

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What’s your story? Samie Brosseau

Convene Magazine Barbara Palmer December 2012 In Samie Brosseau’s successful application for the 2011 Don Lawrence Memorial Scholarship, recently presented to her by PCMA’s New England Chapter, she summed up years of questioning and struggle in one short sentence: “At the young age of 18, I left home against my parents’ wishes, and pursued a…

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Brainwashing, beatings and racism

  Translated from the German Süddeutsche May 22, 2012 Von Stefan Mayr In the middle of Bavaria in a state-approved school racists educate children and young people. Several former members accuse the Twelve Tribes sect of just that. In addition, infants were chastised with safety pins and willow sticks. The Augsburg prosecutor now checks whether…

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Les projets de la secte de Sus inquiètent les autorités

«Aucun commentaire à faire» affirme l’avocate de Tabitha’s Place tout comme les membres de la communauté sollicités sur place. © Nicolas Sabathier source: La Republique des Pyrenees   Georges Fenech, député UMP s’en tient au rapport annuel remis au Premier ministre. © DR «Aucun commentaire à faire» affirme l’avocate de Tabitha’s Place tout comme les…

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From Commune to College: One Young Woman’s Road to Independence

Samantha Brosseau was raised in a strict Christian commune. At age 18, she decided to run away to escape her oppressive lifestyle and go to college – but leaving wasn’t nearly as simple as she’d hoped. Tonic, California/July 19, 2010 By Lisa DeBenedictis Samantha Brosseau twists her ring around her finger absentmindedly. It consists of…

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Twelve Tribes cited; burn violated Vermont’s air laws

Source: Brattleboro Reformer Howard Weiss- Tisman July 10, 2010 Westminister, Vt – The state is alleging that members of the Twelve Tribes violated Vermont air pollution control regulations when they burned the remnants of the former Oonas restaurant on their farm in Westminister. The religious group was also cited for illegally operating a solid waste…

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