Whoever wants to play is beaten up

Süddeutsche Zeitung September 9, 2013 Stefan Mayr Translated from the German This is so cruel that we cannot show everything that was filmed with a hidden camera. Twelve Tribes children were beaten for trifling matters in the Bible-based cult with the rod on the bare skin. RTL journalist Wolfram Kuhnigk recorded the beating of six…

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I almost cried

Augsburger Allgemeine September 8, 2013 Von Anika Taiber Translated from the German Wolfram Kuhnigk has secretly infiltrated the Bible-based cult “Twelve Tribes” and has transferred his records to the Youth Welfare Office. In this interview he talks about his experiences in the cult. Wolfram Kuhnigk, a freelance journalist, has smuggled himself secretly into the Twelve…

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Caning punishment in secret rooms

A few days ago, the police removed 40 children from the Bible-based Twelve Tribes cult because of child abuse. It is not known if Wolfram Kuhnigk (RTL-Reporter) provided the other reporters with covert research notes. If they drive through town, they look so friendly. A little spun perhaps, the men with long beards, women with…

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Thrashed in the Twelve Tribes cult

RP online September 7, 2013 Translated from the German In the Bible-based cult at Klosterzimmern authorities have found “rooms where children were beaten.” The police and social workers removed 40 Twelve Tribes children and then placed them in foster homes. During their searches of the Twelve Tribes buildings, the police discovered areas in which the…

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La policía rescata a 40 niños que vivían en una presunta secta en Baviera

Fuente: La Voz de Galicia La justicia retiró la custodia a los padres ante las sospechas de maltrato EFE 05 de septiembre de 2013  18:01 Cuarenta niños y adolescentes de la presunta secta «Doce tribus» fueron recogidos hoy por la policía de Baviera (estado federado del sur de Alemania) después de que la justicia retirara…

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Man convicted after ‘bizarre’ child-porn confession

Source: PrinceGeorge Citizen newspaper Peter JAMES / Staff writer July 3, 2013 01:00 AM In a case Crown prosecutor Geoffrey McDonald called “comical” and defence lawyer Keith Jones termed “bizarre,” a former Prince George resident was handed a 45-day jail sentence Tuesday for possessing child pornography. Ross Haynes Sandwell, 42, pled guilty to one charge…

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Yellow Deli will reorganize to comply with state laws

  Source: Sandiegoreader By Edward Sifuentes | 5:41 a.m. March 17, 2013 The Yellow Deli and other businesses owned by a North County religious organization will have to reorganize to comply with state laws, including workers’ compensation insurance rules, according to the California Department of Industrial Relations. The sandwich-and-coffee cafe in downtown Vista is owned by…

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Yellow Deli People

Source : San Diego reader 2013 January 3 2013 Dorian Hargrove  Not only are roads unneeded, there is no need for cars or personal possessions. All the Twelve Tribes require for the journey is a community that shares – love, friendship, earthly possessions – everything in exchange for peace and salvation. The Twelve Tribes is…

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