The Baby Beating Sect!

Panorama – Germany August 5, 2014 Translated from the German The Twelve Tribes children are brutally beaten up in the name of the Lord. The sect “12 Tribes” makes for heated debate. A RTL report shows how the Bible-based Twelve Tribes cult systematically punishes its weakest members. Shocking! RTL reporter Wolfram Kuhnigk secretly documented everyday…

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Twelve Tribes child abuse cult serves different kind of beverage

Source:Examiner Feb. 4, 2015, Connect Savannah reporter, Jessica Leigh Lebos, gives the ‘Twelve Tribes’ new café a glowing plug for organic coffee, teas, homemade muffins, Danishes and fruit-stuffed scones. “We want people to get to know us,” says Brian Fenster, 41, who has lived in Twelve Tribes communities around the country for 20 years and…

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God drilled into will-less young ones

source: Suddeutsche Zeitung – 31 October 2014 Robert Pleyer was a member of the faith community “Twelve Tribes”. In a book the ex-member describes how children are ill-treated. It also concerns his own daughter. When Robert Pleyer’s daughter Asarah is eight months old, he ill-treats her for the first time. She sits on his lap,…

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Twelve Tribes religious group targeted by child abuse allegations

CBC A Winnipeg religious group is concerned about a letter circulating in the Wolseley area alleging that they abuse children. “Whoever wrote it, they were so inconsiderate they didn’t even put their name on it,” said Maurice Welch, a member of the Winnipeg arm of Twelve Tribes, a Christian sect with communities around the world. “The allegations…

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