The Twelve Tribes Community is a cult

Fascist These are some of the oppressive rules of the Twelve Tribes Community (cult). 1.Members can not think for them selves.  In the cult members must        blindly follow what the leaders (‘shepherds”) say. 2.    I asked an elder once if they ever agree to disagree but love each       …

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The Community – Natasha’s Story

Source: Twelve  Scholastic Scope March 9, 1998 Natasha was born into what most people would consider a cult, but what she came to call the “community.”  She grew up moving from town to town and house to home with her parents, living with dozens of other adults and kids who weren’t part of her…

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Twelve Tribes The Commonwealth of Deceit

Source: A true church They call themselves the “Twelve Tribes, The Commonwealth of Israel.” This began with a man named Gene Spriggs ( In a matter of approximately thirty years this movement grew to be “communities being raised up in twelve geographical areas” ( They view the different communities in which they live as the…

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Isaac Dawson, leader in the Twelve Tribes

Click here for Video showing Isaac Dawson talking on the raid in 1984 FOLLOWING ARE ARTICLES ON ISAAC DAWSON CONTENT COPY-PASTED IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER Dawson goes missing with young son The Daily News (Halifax)/March 30, 1992 By Rob Roberts Parent’s rights activist Edward “Isaac” Dawson is back in conflict with authorities over his young son….

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