The Cult Next Door: Teen Shares Chilling Tale Of Alleged Abuse Inside The Twelve Tribes Sect

Boston Herald September 4, 2001 Dave Wedge The Cult Next Door: Teen Shares Chilling Tale Of Alleged Abuse Inside The Twelve Tribes Sect After years of being abused, forced to work in factories, brainwashed and denied a normal childhood, Zebulon Wiseman finally found the strength to run from the “high control cult” he says robbed…

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The most dangerous cult of all

Robert T. Pardon   Bob Pardon is director of the New England Institute of Religious Research (NEIRR), and of MeadowHaven, a cult recovery facility, in Lakeville, Massachusetts (see  He has been an AIIA Resource Associate since 1995. I recently received an e-mail that contained the following message in its subject line: “URGENT CRISIS!” My…

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Twelve Tribes cult: Looks like a quaint “Amish” type group

But truth be told…. Factnet NewsBlog editor’s note: I just recently worked with a reporter from NBC in Kansas City, Mo. on a spot he was doing about the Twelve Tribes.  His story was focused on the “child abuse aspect” of the Tribes until he found how many different destructive traits he could have investigated…

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Redford é ligado a trabalho infantil

Source:ÉRGIO DÁVILAPublicado no Jornal Folha de São Paulo em 10/04/2001 A empresa Sundance, do ator Robert Redford, dona do festival de cinema de mesmo nome e reconhecida internacionalmente por suas preocupações ambientais e humanitárias, vendia desde 1999 móveis fabricados pelo movimento religioso Doze Tribos, que promove o trabalho infantil gratuito. O grupo religioso isolacionista,…

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Estee Lauder’s latest tangle March 13, 2001 Beauty company Estee Lauder could be facing another ugly controversy.  The cosmetics giant recently angered actors when Liz Hurley crossed Screen Actors Guild picket lines to do commercials.  Now it seems the company was unwittingly using child labor.  What’s more, the alleged young workers were apparently part of a group that…

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