Les Douze Tribus

Source: popoetmax blog Publié le 22 Décembre 2012 Nous avons fait du woofing dans une “communauté”. Apres un accueil chaleureux par le leader charismatique, nous avons compris peu à peu qu’il s’agissait d’une vraie secte. Toutes les personnes ont des noms hebreu, de la barbe (pour les hommes ! ), un fichu (pour les femmes)…

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Brainwashing, beatings and racism

  Translated from the German Süddeutsche May 22, 2012 Von Stefan Mayr In the middle of Bavaria in a state-approved school racists educate children and young people. Several former members accuse the Twelve Tribes sect of just that. In addition, infants were chastised with safety pins and willow sticks. The Augsburg prosecutor now checks whether…

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Bottlenecks and Free Enterprise

Source: Life in the Twelve Tribes Messianic Community Posted: January 22, 2012 The twelve tribes communities in different countries displayed various degrees of tolerance to independence, free will and self autonomy of the individual. Bottleneck-style government is typical in many communities, where all decisions must go through just one person. Everything from borrowing a car…

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Les projets de la secte de Sus inquiètent les autorités

«Aucun commentaire à faire» affirme l’avocate de Tabitha’s Place tout comme les membres de la communauté sollicités sur place. © Nicolas Sabathier source: La Republique des Pyrenees   Georges Fenech, député UMP s’en tient au rapport annuel remis au Premier ministre. © DR «Aucun commentaire à faire» affirme l’avocate de Tabitha’s Place tout comme les…

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CIFS conference 2011 Canberra Georges Fenech’s speech

source: Cult Information and Family Support, Australia To download pdf: Fenech-Australia-2011 CIFS Conference: Address: Georges FENECH CANBERRA, Parliament House CIFS (Translation from French) November 2 2011Conference Report and Video National Cult Information and Family Support (CIFS) Conference “Cults in Australia: Facing the Realities” Speech by Georges FENECH, President of MIVILUDES   Honourable Senators, President of CIFS…

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