After leaving the sect: no roots and no wings to fly

Source: Spiegel Online / Schulspiegel Original title: Leben nach der Sekte: “Ich habe keine Wurzeln und keine Kraft zu fliegen” Published: Monday 27 January 2014 Link: Pdf: No roots and no wings to fly   After leaving the sect: no roots and no wings to fly She was born into a sect and whipped…

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The Twelve Tribes Part 2: The Peacemaker and The Redeemed

Source: 2014 Updated on January 7, 2014 The Peacemaker Bus Peacemaker Bus Medical Tent at Camp Oswego Phish Concert. | Source The Twelve Tribes: First Impressions When the Twelve Tribes first moved to my city, I had no idea who they were. I noticed a group of groovy looking folks building a restaurant. The…

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Court prohibits Twelve Tribes school operations

Die Welt January 24, 2014 Translated from the German The Twelve Tribes can no longer operate their own private school. They are a Bible-based sect who follows the teachings of their “Apostle” – Elbert Eugene Spriggs. The Twelve Tribes lost the chance to operate their private school because of unqualified “teachers.” The Bavarian Ministry of…

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Controversial sect: court bans “Twelve Tribes” school

  Translated from the German Spiegel Online January 24, 2014 The controversial sect of “Twelve tribes” can no longer operate a school because the sect lost a corresponding process before the Administrative Court of Augsburg. The sect had operated since 2006 a so-called supplementary school. As early as last November, the Swabian government of Bavaria…

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Yellow Deli hoping to bring sandwiches and ‘fruit of the spirit’ to downtown Lawrence

Source: Lawrence Journal Posted by Chad Lawhorn January 8, 2014 . Maybe some of you have seen the signs advertising a new deli coming to the 600 block of Vermont Street in downtown Lawrence. Maybe some of you even know the backstory. It certainly is an old one — like about 2,000 years old. Plans call…

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Twelve Tribes Germany update 9 / 2013 December 3

The original post written by Jennifer Stahl can be found here: Yeshua Hineni Twelve Tribes Part 9 Here are the recent updates on the Twelve Tribes in Germany:   Complaints from parents of the controversial sect “twelve tribes” against the provisional withdrawal of custody has mostly been rejected the Nuremberg Higher Regional Court (OLG). [Source]…

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Peace, love and mind control

-one Sydney couple’s journey through the Twelve Tribes religious cult. Source: Sydney Morning Herald Sydney couple Rosemary Ilich aka Rose Ilich and Mark Ilich who spent 14 years with the Twelve Tribes religious cult. Photo: Tim Bauer  watch the accompanying video interview One Saturday in October 1996, Mark Ilich and his wife Rosemary did something…

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