Father battles sect over custody of girl Source: Boston Globe article archived by Factnet and Xenu directory By Colin Nickerson Globe STaff ISLAND POND, Vt. – lt’s been a year now since Juan Mattatall last saw his youngest daughter, Lydia, 3 years old. He knows where she is: Europe. And he knows who she’s with:…

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Group set up to help defectors of Island Pond sect

Source: Factnet archives via Xenu directory 6 January 1983 Prompted by a controversial religious sect in Island Pond, a statewide group has been formed to provide support and assistance to people trying to flee cults that use alleged mind control techniques on their members. Spokesman Alan Bouffard of Winooski said this week the organization -…

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The Kingdom at Island Pond

Source:Factnet archives via xenu directory 29 November 1982 MARK STARR with MARSHA ZABARSKY in Island Pond Folks in the tiny Vermont village of Island Pond (population: 1,542), nestled in rugged mountains near the Canadian border, like to say they live in “God’s country.” But lately residents have begun to fear that some of their neighbors…

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A Newport father Wednesday was awarded temporary custody

Source:Factnet archives via Xenu directory 10 November 1982 A Newport father Wednesday was awarded temporary custody of his five children by a judge who heard ex-members of their mother’s church group testify that tots as young as 3 in their religious community were whipped until blood dripped down their legs. Superior Court Judge Ernest Gibson…

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Juan Mattatall wins temporary custody of his five children

Source:Factnet archives, via Xenu directory 10 november 1982 Juan Mattatall won temporary custody of his five children Wednesday from a judge who heard testimony that children in the religious community to which the youngsters’ mother belongs were whipped. Superior Court Judge Ernest Gibson III said testimony from former members of Northeast Kingdom Community Church about…

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Heflin says Vine Church hiding his granddaughter

Chattanooga Times Randy Arnold 1980 Saying he was a “concerned grandfather who truly loves and wants his granddaughter back,” Joe Heflin has accused members of the Vine Christian Community Church of taking his 4 year old granddaughter and keeping her from him and the child’s mother. In an interview with the Times Tuesday, Heflin and…

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Community church Group Again Drawing Complaints

April 1979 The organization’s name has changed, and so has the location, but the charges being leveled against former Chattanoogan Gene Spriggs and his following are no different than those 19 that were brought against the group a few years ago.  Elbert Eugene Spriggs is the leader of the Chattanooga based Vine Community Church.  Today,…

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