Quotes from members and ex-members Eugene Sprigs authority

The reader is invited to leave their brain and critical thinking skills at the door! This is the only way we (the Twelve Tribes cult) will welcome the reader into our Elbert Eugene Spriggs controlled community. Sit back and relax and leave your brain and critical thinking skills intact as the reader examines this important info about the Twelve Tribes cult.

Current Twelve Tribes member quote:

“Reasoning makes my life complicated and dark. There was a time I envied the flowers and birds whose life seemed so simple. Tonight I received hope because we are called to live a simple life – a life of obedience.” Reasoning 11/18/90

Elbert Eugene Spriggs quote:

“If we have our Father’s choice of elders and leaders then we are to render absolute obedience to them. An elder doesn’t have to defend his authority. Attitude of elders is fear and trembling for they represent the authority of Yahweh on the earth.” Elders and deacons

Comment from former Twelve Tribes member:

“Their dedication to Spriggs is the prerequisite for remaining in the group.” James Howell Former Twelve Tribes member

Comment from former Twelve Tribes member:

“We now see the community as extremely controlling because Spriggs directs everything. Nothing happens in the community unless the command comes straight from him.” Michael Painter Former Twelve Tribes member

Elbert Eugene Spriggs quote:

“Our safeguarding – our umbrella of protection is our loyalty to the anointing…..” Guidelines

Comment from current Twelve Tribes member

“The Lord has really gifted Gene Spriggs. He functions as an apostle of the church and we respect him deeply.”

Judy Nunley current Twelve Tribes member

Elders comments from Apostolic Workers Meeting (Just a side not – Yoneq was not present)

“We are Yoneq new sprout. We are Yoneq’s most precious possession. We are the validity of his apostleship. We stand in his place. We are the new sprout organically related to one another. We must practice his words.” Apostolic Workers Meeting 6/13/88

Comment from former Twelve Tribes member:

“Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. This is my opinion of Spriggs. Every Former member that we have contact with expresses the same thought about Elbert and his lust for power and control. The early community began with honorable intentions as they helped many young people quit drugs, and fed the hungry and homeless but as Spriggs garnered more and more power he became blinded. He is leading all the Tribe’s members into a ditch.” Michael Painter Former Twelve Tribes member

Comment from former Twelve Tribes member:

“After you join the community, you do not think, nor do you make decisions. You must submit, the guilt is so strong.” Melinda Horton – Former Twelve Tribes member

Elbert Eugene Spriggs quote:

“Anyone who reasons does not have eternal life.” Understanding the deep mysteries of our faith

Comment from a former Twelve Tribes member

Community members are always told “You don’t have to understand or have revelation to obey. Just stop thinking. Take off your head and your mental reasoning.” (Just a side note – Hitler would have loved this quote – emphasis added).

Comment from former Twelve Tribes member:

“If an elder questioned Spriggs teachings he could lose his place of authority. Dissenting elders were also talked about in the Apostolic Workers Meetings.” Michael Painter – Former Twelve Tribes member (Just a side note – All Tribes members must absolutely obey the teachings of Elbert Eugene Spriggs or risk ex-communication – shunning from other Twelve Tribes members. They are unable to participate in the intimate breaking of bread (seder) with his/her brothers and sisters and ultimately if the unconnected

member (to the vine – the Twelve Tribes) fails to publically repent of his “sin” the elders ask him to physically leave the community!

Quote from Elbert Eugene Spriggs:

“Reasoning is rebellion in its highest form.” Reasoning 12/18/90

Comment from former Twelve Tribes member:

“Obedience to Elbert Eugene Spriggs is preached above everything else.” James Howell Former Twelve Tribes member

Elbert Eugene Spriggs quote:

“We obey authority in the body absolutely…. Our first priority is upon obedience to the authority in the community.” Elders and deacons

Comment from a former Twelve Tribes member:

“Yoneq is the anointing everyone refers to.” Former Twelve Tribes member

Comment from former Twelve Tribes member:

“The kingdom of God is a place where the government of God is. That government is the elder brothers.” Jules Laramee Former Twelve Tribes member

Comment from a former Twelve Tribes member:

“Spriggs control is in every place where he has established a community. His control is the one common denominator that marks every community.” James Howell Former Twelve Tribes member

Elbert Eugene Spriggs quote:

“If there are any opinions contrary to the anointing then we are a potential hazard to the body.” Receiving the anointing

Comment from current Twelve Tribes member:

“It grieves me that I was not connected or attached to Yoneq. Dullness prompted me to call you, when Yoneq should have been the one I sought wisdom from. All this stuff about Ayal’s baptism came about without Yoneq’s approval or knowledge…..! Ayal will be restored by a ruling government who are attached and connected to Yoneq. For weeks my heart has been grieved at my lack of loyalty to Yoneq.” Letter sent to Deshe 2/8/94

Comment from former Twelve Tribes member:

“We wouldn’t have left the Tribes if Spriggs prophecies, goals and purpose for existence were true. They are not true. For instance the Bible says in the Old Testament, “If a prophet utters something and the prophecy doesn’t come true then they should stone him.” I’m not recommending stoning anybody. I’m just saying if a prophecy doesn’t come true then it proves he is not a prophet. That cancels out the title.” James Howell Former Twelve Tribes member

Comment from former Twelve Tribes member:

Michael do you feel that your spiritual experience burned you in some way?

“I was definitely burned but the burn has caused me to watch out for the stove. No man will ever lead me into a ditch again because I’m very cautious. I’m growing spiritually because I am understanding things I never understood before.” Michael Painter Former Twelve Tribes member