Encouraged to Leave Family

“I remember when I first came to visit the Community.  The brother who gave me his bed to sleep in had left his wife in the world to be a disciple.  Did I think, ‘Hey, what kind of group is this that separates couples and families?’  On the contrary, I thought, ‘Wow, their God must be worth a lot for a man to give up his wife!’  And so it is.  We have an awesome God.” – Intertribal News, March 1996, News from Judah
“Concerning living together, it was another ‘discovery’ when it was shown to me in the Word that to be a disciple a person must give up everything and the promise is that I will receive 100% in this life with persecution.  I have left a husband and four older children and this promise is coming about in my life time.” – Intertribal News, May 1996, News from Shimon
“I just wanted to share with all of you the news of a precious lost sheep that has been brought into the fold…..Melissa has been visiting for a couple of years….Her heart had always been towards us all this time, but her husband was not as sure.  Over time, she was able to see our Master’s great worth, and left her husband and two sons in our Abba’s hands.” – Intertribal News, December 1997, News from Rutland
“….even though she went to a Christian Church at the time, when she heard the truth this woman was obedient to what we told her to do.  She gave up everything she had.  Her home, her husband, children, inheritance.  It was a while before she came, too, because we told her to go back to her husband.  But finally, he wanted to divorce her.  She was a woman who left everything to follow Yahshua.” – Breaking of Bread, May 27, 1989, Sus
“To enter Salvation:
Give up all your money and possessions to the Body (not just to
2.   Give up your spouse and children if they don’t come with you.
3.  Give up your mind and opinions.
4.  Obey the elders and shepherds without question.
5.  Give up your parents and relatives and only visit them (with
     permission) if they do not oppose the Body. – Letter from
     Former Member
“I am totally determined to follow the Messiah, since I’ve used the determination to leave it all behind, even what I love most – my wife and children – to follow him.” – Intertribal News, May 1998, News from  Brazil