Emotions under control
Our Master said that what is whispered in your ear, shout it from the rooftop. Shout it from where you have your meetings, otherwise you will surely die. – Authority 5
Ben Nabiy …The blessing or curse will come upon us. I do not want that my son would have to be excommunicated and me having to give an account of why I failed. – Authority 5
Everyone who gathers together will have a song – it’s grievous to the Holy Spirit when people don’t have a song…. In order to be recognized we have to have a song. We don’t have to wait between songs if the Holy Spirit has quickened us with a song. So let’s all have a song. – Breaking of Bread, Nova Scotia 1/14/89
Our emblem is (Revelation 12:1) a pregnant woman clothed with the sun and with the moon under her feet. So, we must put the moon under our feet. The moon has always been known for its great effect upon the EMOTIONS of men…. In the days of old when men’s lives were lived in a simpler manner…. They were able to see clearly how at different times of the month men seemed to act differently. The weaker the will of man, the more he seemed to be effected by it….. Women are the weaker part of MAN, but of course it is not only the woman who is affected by the moon or who must put the moon under her feet. But when the woman does it….Men will also find the grace to rule over their feelings. These will be the people who will take the kingdom. – Burnt Offering
Yes, Yahshua will find faith on the earth when He returns because the woman will be using her will to obey. – Burnt Offering
The worst thing you can do in this situation is to attempt to avoid the issue all together by crying on God’s shoulder (prayer – without thanksgiving). For your benefit, because God loves you, He must not listen to you – your heart is condemning you. (regarding withdrawal because of hurt feelings). – The Treasure of a Good Foundation
Everyone should know about the second death. If these things aren’t shouted from the rooftops then we are going to perish. A person who doesn’t do it will be cut off. – Second Death and Greed
I Peter 3:1-2, 23 Peter the apostle here speaks of how a wife should respond to an insult hurled at her by her husband…. Do not communicate any retaliation or mannerisms, or by your affected behavior. No icy silence. Act like absolutely nothing ever happened. This will totally win the sensitive husband. Anything other than this behavior on the part of the wife will do absolutely no good to restore and will in fact make matters worse (feed the fire). There should not even be a hint of evilness. We have to be that perfect. – Head Covering
(Impatience) for example is a product of the fall – which is control of another spirit over your life in the area of impatience. (Unkindness) another spirit. Who is in control of your life in the kingdom of god…. What kind of spirit is working in you if you are not showing the fruit of the Holy Spirit? It is another spirit and it needs to be cast out. – Mark 16:17 Redemption
Let’s don’t ever be around anyone who speaks about a brother, especially prophets. God himself says, ‘Do no harm to my prophets.’ I Chronicles 16:22. If we speak against a brother God will hand us right over to temptation and you will sin a sin unto death. – The Ten Commandments/Sowing Discord/Priesthood