The shameful sham of Shem and Cham

September 9, 2006
Amazingly, it can’t be denied, there are a few African Americans in the Twelve Tribes.  I saw one with my own eyes and talked to him.  They are trotted out whenever and wherever TT comes under public scrutiny, for instance at the “Merrymakers Caravan festival” on the Commons on August 12.  This has been quite effective, apparently, at throwing TT’s critics for a loop.  These black TTers who have adopted the robot culture of the group and accepted their “giftings” of serving and cooking are accepted by the others.  (See “Why blacks deserve to be slaves, explained” below.)  As the revealing note from a former TTer reproduced below relates, TTers only disapprove of those 99.999% of blacks not yet in the TT, most of whom believe they are the equal of white people and that the civil rights movement was a good thing, etc.  Because they accept black recruits and regard Spriggs’ teaching on the Curse of Cham as the Word of God and not the product of the hate-filled, twisted mind that it is, TTers don’t think of themselves as racists.  (But come to think of it, find me a racist who does).  I thank this former TTer for his /her honesty and for clarifying some of the niceties (or not-so-niceties) of Spriggs’ racism as revealed in his exegesis of the Curse of Cham story.  Turns out that according to Spriggs, apparently only white people have a conscience.  So where is his?
It is hard to explain how they actually “hate” blacks, because the blacks in the TT are not treated any differently than any other race.  It is the blacks that are not in there that are technically “hated.”
(They would never use that term, and most living there don’t even have those emotions towards others!)
an example:
“Without conscience there would be no restraint.  By the time of Gen. 6:5, everyone had continually gone against their consciences, to the point that every intent of their hearts was continually evil – all except Noah and his family.  Then after the flood, Cham went against his conscience and again brought this principle into the world.  But Abraham kept a good conscience.  Through a line of Shem, obedience to conscience was preserved.”
That is Yoneq, from the Confession Teaching, Sus France, March 1989
So Cham (All Africans, according to their teachings) is the sole responsible party for bringing evil into the current world, and apparently are not even able to listen to their conscience, if they even have one.  While wonderful Shem can do this.  And what about Yapheth?
(An example of a question you probably won’t get an answer for.  Things kind of get made up as you go along there).
Anyhow all is forgiven when you come into the Tribes, see?  God changes your DNA.
So it doesn’t really appear racist at all, to most.
It took me a long time to see that I had been racist in my thinking, because I had all these good fuzzy “feelings” towards other races, yet adhered to these teachings, that I had really little knowledge or understanding of.
Aloysius Horn

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