The Yellow Deli opens in Hiddenite

Source: Taylorsville Times

By | October 25, 2016

yellow-deli-hiddeniteThe Twelve Tribes have opened The Yellow Deli restaurant in Hiddenite, at the corner of NC 90 East and Sulphur Springs Rd.

The facility is open 24 hours: from noon on Sundays to 3 p.m. on Fridays. A large crowd attended the Grand Opening on Tuesday, October 25.

Many may recall the building as the former N.P. Payne store and Murdock Chair Company. Renovations and construction have connected these buildings with the former Trio Grocery Store, which the Tribes will soon open as the Wholesome Bread Bakery and Community Food Commissary.

For more information, phone 828-548-DELI or visit

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10 Comments On “The Yellow Deli opens in Hiddenite”

  1. The new Yellow Deli at Hiddenite, plus you all, were such a treat — and we were so glad to have come — however, and please don’t take this as a criticism: the parking lot “landscaping” did not do you, nor the natural landscape of the area, justice — it just didn’t seem to go with the rest of your endeavors — perhaps you would like to look into some of North Carolina’s wildflowers and native plants —

    There’s also a chapter of NCNPS that meets at Reedy Creek Nature Center on the second Sunday afternoon of each month (except, we think, December.) jane

  2. Not that poor group that painted their first Yellow Deli with yellow paint they were given and all they had.
    Looks they they have evolved from being a quaint semi-hippy, Jesus(Yashua) loving group to a business & money oriented “CULT”
    Running yellow delis should come in real handy when they flee to their “wilderness” before the 2nd coming.
    There was a time being self sufficient was important, now self sufficiency comes from the money in the till.
    Line up you sheep, Yellow Deli’s need more free workers.

  3. yall are strange. You hurt children and hold people against their will all in the name of God. You have no God. The true God has no use for you. Stay away from our young people. You all abuse in the name of Jesus and God. Stop smearing my God!

    • Why are you being judgmental? Does your God approve of this? Have you read your Bible lately? Do you have to answer for anyone’s deeds but your own? So why are you judging? You do not have to support this business nor do you have to be nasty to anyone. God tells us to love all people. You are not being very loving.

  4. I loved the Place and all servers,, etc, no phones, no swearing,all wonderful for me
    Usually the churchgoing people critique everything.I love seeing clothes instead of SKIN!
    Manners were shown and I will return!!!

  5. they just want to love one another and live a rightous life

  6. I love this place. The people are so friendly. The food is always excellent. As for their religious practices, this is America where people are free to worship and live how they like.

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