November 8, 2014 / Charlie / 2 Comments / News, North East USA, Video
The Teachings form the body of scriptural understanding from Eugene Spriggs to be taught and observed by every member in all of the locations. They are not meant to be for the public and are presented here for research purposes … [Read More...]
Available on Amazon© 2025 Question 12 Tribes
The Twelve Tribes Elders benefit from restraunt proceeds untaxed under church filing tax status.Cruise around on the their yaht while molesting little children and watching porn.
I have two children with the daughter of the ex leader mentioned in this article who left the cult in Boston 3 years ago, John Imperial. His name not mentioned in this article. He returned to Shelbyville TN where he recently passed , cancer. While living there, his wife Mattie Imperial, her brother Eddie Pilkington( an Elder in the Twelve Tribes)at the same address 199 Temple Ford Rd.Shelbyvlle, TN. was arrested for Felonious Child Exploitation/ Porn. His house raided, computers seized. Bedford County Sherriffs Dept. Lead Investigator, Tiffany Host.
For those who think this cult is a peace loving, happy , religious group think again.
I’m currently awaiting results from computers seized from the Twelve Tribe Elder to see if photos might be of my own children who currently live at that address. For those who think Im lying, call me out. I have 13 years of in depth experience with this cult, retired law enforcement, BS and AS in Criminal Justice.
Most of all, I have two children with Megan Imperial, daughter of recently passed John Imperial,
past leader of the cult in Boston. I have in depth knowledge of this cult, have been to weddings in their communities, visited and ate at several Yellow Delis and Common Grounds.
They are mind controlling, manipulative, child predators. They like many advertise under “religion” but rather operate at top levels as a functioning organization at a corporate level.
Extremely ant- government and government restrictions, and just listen to their preachings of
gay and lesbians.
My email is burnzies@ David Burns