Yoneq = “Apostle”

“Shimon: “I  want to repent for my dullness.  I’m so thankful for the sensitivity and discernment Yoneq possesses.  I know I am affected deeply by my past involvement in Christianity.  I was blind in asking Grace to sing that song last night.  It was an admixture.  It is a wicked spirit that brings good feelings…

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Elbert Eugene Spriggs and the Elijah

Does Spriggs really claim to be the Elijah? ___________________________ This is why Elijah must come to raise up the age-old foundation, restore the church to the Israel of YHWH.  Mt. 17:11.  The Roman, (Greek, and Protestant are completely off the foundation of Messiah). Apostasy, Apostate Israel today The Elijah will deal absolutely in the Spirit…

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Twelve Tribes founder accused of racist views

The Asheville Citizen Times Dale Neal November 8, 1998 Twelve Tribes Community founder Elbert Spriggs’ controversial interpretation of slavery in the Scripture seems to provide ammunition for the anonymous fliers circulating around Asheville that criticize the Bible-based cult as racist. But a community member now in Asheville says the teaching is easily misunderstood, taken out…

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The cult that scourges children

Copied from Twelve Tribes-ex.com, original publication date sometime after 1984 This is a place where reality wobbles like a table with one short leg.  Here, some say Walt Disney characters are evil and the world is satanic.  Here – in the name of God children are often beaten, denied medical care, held out of school…

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Cult defector helps bring another’s child back home

The Chronicle March 23, 1983 Juan Mattatall, a defector from the Northeast Kingdom Community Church of Island Pond [now known as “Twelve Tribes] who is trying to get his own three year old daughter back from Europe in the custody of cult leader Eugene Spriggs, has reportedly helped bring another defector’s child home from Spain….

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Controversial Commune

The selling that angers Barrington Passage Maclean’s Magazine Belle Hatfield September 26, 1988 The inexpensive menu and rustic decor soon had tourists and local residents flocking through the doors.  But within a month the Old Schoolhouse Restaurant’s opening on July 6, in the south shore Nova Scotia hamlet of Barrington Passage, was at the centre…

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