Church Member Arrested For Abuse — 5 Years Later

Boy Came Forward To Church Elders In 1997 11, 2005 Island Pond, Vt. — Police charged a former member of the Twelve Tribes Church in Island Pond with molesting a young boy. John Thomas, 32, is accused of sexually abusing at least one of the children at the church in the Northeast Kingdom. Church…

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Massa. Man Cited For Sex Abuse Had Links To Church-2005

Source: The Caledonian-Record/February 10, 2005 By James Jardine St. Johnsbury Vermont — John W. Thomas of Savoy, Mass., is scheduled to be arraigned in Caledonia District Court on one count of sexual assault on a minor and three counts of lewd and lascivious conduct with a child. The state alleges Thomas sexually abused four children,…

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The Twelve Tribes….. Who are they?

Source: MM Outreach.Inc October 2004 The Twelve Tribes communes are springing up all over North America, drawing off followers from the various churches. They follow the teachings of Elbert Eugene Spriggs, a three-times divorced man, remarried for the fourth time. Being bitterly disillusioned with the established churches, he identifies them with the Whore of Babylon,…

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Peacemaker bus used for recruitment of drug fueled Phish followers

8/2004 They like their women subservient, their homosexuals closeted and their children kept in line via strict corporal punishment. 8/26/09 Keep your children away.  They like little girls for production and boys for slave labor. 8/4/2010 So we get on the bus, and I get some really good hot cocoa and they clean my lip. …

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Common Ground, Common Thieves

Cheryl L ex-member experiences I first encountered “Reya” (Bill Johnson) and “Olah” (Kathy Johnson) after reading a newspaper article describing the Twelve Tribes communal group in Lakeview, N.Y. in October of 1995.  Upon meeting the larger household with whom they lived, Twelve Tribes members greeted me with smiles, hugs, compliments, tea, Hebrew dancing and testimonies….

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Protect the abuser

Source: Broward Palm Beach, New Times, 3rd June 2004 Jeff Leonard, looking good in stripes by Eric Alan Barton 3 June 2004 On a spring morning two years ago, Kimberly Peck saw something shocking in the hut where her daughters were sleeping. Peck, then a member of the Twelve Tribes religious cult, lived with her…

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BF woman arrested in 1988 custody dispute

Brattleboro Reformer/April 17, 2004 By Mike Kalil Brattleboro — The husband of a woman arrested this week on a 16-year-old charge of keeping her daughter away from her biological father said Friday he was surprised by his wife’s arrest. And so was the former Windham County Sheriff’s Department chief deputy, who headed the investigation back…

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“Twelve Tribes” news report misleading

Source: Cult news A news report posted yesterday about the so-called “Twelve Tribes” contained misinformation. According to Vermont’s WVNY TV report the group was cleared of child abuse charges after a raid in 1984. However, this conclusion is incorrect. Contrary to the report “evidence of abuse” was found within the “cult” compound. Police collected piles…

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