The Baby Beating Sect!

Panorama – Germany August 5, 2014 Translated from the German The Twelve Tribes children are brutally beaten up in the name of the Lord. The sect “12 Tribes” makes for heated debate. A RTL report shows how the Bible-based Twelve Tribes cult systematically punishes its weakest members. Shocking! RTL reporter Wolfram Kuhnigk secretly documented everyday…

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A former member recounts his experiences of violence in the Twelve Tribes cult Patrick Guyton June 14, 2014 Translated from the German The controversial Bible-based Twelve Tribes cult made headlines this past year because of beating allegations. Once, Christian Reip remembers he stole and ate a bit of sugar. The adults discovered his offense. The baptized adults admonished Reip’s father to discipline his child. His father then…

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Twelve Tribes religious group targeted by child abuse allegations

CBC A Winnipeg religious group is concerned about a letter circulating in the Wolseley area alleging that they abuse children. “Whoever wrote it, they were so inconsiderate they didn’t even put their name on it,” said Maurice Welch, a member of the Winnipeg arm of Twelve Tribes, a Christian sect with communities around the world. “The allegations…

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Child abuse and unpaid work in the Bible -based Twelve Tribes cult

Note: Some liberties were taken with the text.  For example – where the original author calls the Twelve Tribes “a community of faith,” I call it a Bible -based cult.  That’s really what they are!  The German/English translator (Cheryl) Von Philipp/earthlink August 11, 2014 Translated from the German In September 2013 RTL -Reporter Wolfram Kuhnigk…

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Children are systematically beaten – sect still speaks of “movie filled with cheap lies.”

Express.DE August 5, 2014 Translated from the German The parents and “teachers” of the Bible-based Twelve Tribes cult regularly beat their children in the name of religion. This is systematic child abuse in the Bavarian countryside. RTL- Reporter Wolfram Kuhnigk made recordings last year with a hidden camera of the Twelve Tribes sect in Klosterzimmern….

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