Yoneq = “Apostle”

“Shimon: “I  want to repent for my dullness.  I’m so thankful for the sensitivity and discernment Yoneq possesses.  I know I am affected deeply by my past involvement in Christianity.  I was blind in asking Grace to sing that song last night.  It was an admixture.  It is a wicked spirit that brings good feelings…

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Elbert Eugene Spriggs and the Elijah

Does Spriggs really claim to be the Elijah? ___________________________ This is why Elijah must come to raise up the age-old foundation, restore the church to the Israel of YHWH.  Mt. 17:11.  The Roman, (Greek, and Protestant are completely off the foundation of Messiah). Apostasy, Apostate Israel today The Elijah will deal absolutely in the Spirit…

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‘Cult’ set to serve Olympic masses

The Courier-Mail, September 5, 2000 A fundamentalist cult will provide catering at Sydney 2000 Olympic equestrian events. This is even though it was banned in Britain after distributing anti-Semitic literature. It was reported on 4 September 2000 that the leader of the Twelve Tribes, also known as the Messianic Communities, is American Elbert Spriggs. Spriggs…

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Con a former cult member

Jeffrey Brown’s trail of deceit extends beyond a Taunton home to Middleboro and Lakeville where he had ties to the New England Institute of religious Research. The Enterprise Newspaper Terence J. Downing Sept. 2ooo Air Force veteran Jeffrey F. Brown is charming, witty, intelligent, a super chess player, can fix just about anything and is…

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Women, Elderly, and Children In Religious Cults (incl.12 Tribes)

Source: Icsa article Marcia Rudin Abstract Although most reports concerning cults suggest that the majority of converts are young adults, there is growing documentation attesting to the negative impact of cults on elderly and children. In addition, special abuses of women in cults have become a cause of concern. This paper discusses reports on the…

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Rock Festival bans Twelve Tribes sect

Source: The Guardian Jeevan Vasagar July 5, 2000 The Twelve Tribes sect was banned from attending this year’s Reading Festival after the Guardian revealed that the cult was using rock events to distribute anti-Semitic literature. The festival organiser, Mean Fiddler, yesterday turned down an application from Twelve Tribes to bring its mobile cafe, The Common…

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The raid revisited: Island Pond community heals wounds from 1984

Source: The Burlington (Vermont) Free Press From The Burlington (Vt.) Free Press, June 18, 2000 By Nancy Bazilchuk ISLAND POND — John Dodge, 23, looked a little out of place at the Twelve Tribes church’s community gathering Saturday. An Island Pond native, he grew up calling the church members “Moonies,” threw pennies on the roofs…

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The Twelve Tribes Community is a cult

Fascist These are some of the oppressive rules of the Twelve Tribes Community (cult). 1.Members can not think for them selves.  In the cult members must        blindly follow what the leaders (‘shepherds”) say. 2.    I asked an elder once if they ever agree to disagree but love each       …

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