Peacemaker bus used for recruitment of drug fueled Phish followers

8/2004 They like their women subservient, their homosexuals closeted and their children kept in line via strict corporal punishment. 8/26/09 Keep your children away.  They like little girls for production and boys for slave labor. 8/4/2010 So we get on the bus, and I get some really good hot cocoa and they clean my lip. …

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BF woman arrested in 1988 custody dispute

Brattleboro Reformer/April 17, 2004 By Mike Kalil Brattleboro — The husband of a woman arrested this week on a 16-year-old charge of keeping her daughter away from her biological father said Friday he was surprised by his wife’s arrest. And so was the former Windham County Sheriff’s Department chief deputy, who headed the investigation back…

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How I remember the Bible-based Twelve Tribes cult of Hamburg, New York

November 12, 2002 Cheryl Lewczyk In a large communal home members of the Twelve Tribes sect have established themselves.  They see themselves as the true disciples of Yahshua (Jesus) but shockingly are true disciples of their  “Apostle” and founder Elbert Eugene Spriggs.  The Twelve Tribes are a Bible-based cult. Before the gathering starts where the…

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“Cult” child abuse cases often bungled (inc. 12t.)

Source: Cult News ,30 October 2002 An excellent editorial appeared in the Edmonton Journal written by Paula Simons regarding the background history of a Canadian “cult” child abuse case. Lucille Poulin, the leader of the “Four Winds Commune” was convicted on five counts of assault for beating children within her group. Her defense was essentially…

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Who we truly follow

Article by ex-member from USA Our households gather at the beginning and end of each day to thank and praise our creator and “Apostle” Elbert Eugene Spriggs for all that he has done for us.  During the gatherings all baptized members regurgitate the teachings of our cult leader Elbert Eugene Spriggs (Yoneq).  In an interview…

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Religious community lives quietly in central Missouri town

The Kansas City Star/August 5, 2002 By Matt Stearns Warsaw, Mo.– Here in central Missouri, members of the Twelve Tribes religious group welcome visitors with gentle smiles and quiet conversation. They break from dipping beeswax candles and baking bread to explain why they live the way they do: separately, simply, at odds with the wider…

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