Sects and Cults: Thriving Trade in Misery

Source: The Guardian, Workers Weekly Religious organisations are exploiting government strategies of off-loading their social obligations. by: Bob Briton April 4 2008 Thee revelations just keep on coming. Secretive and controlling Christian fundamentalist organizations fronting as mainstream services and businesses have hit the headlines of the Sydney dailies lately. Mercy Ministries promotes itself as a…

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Sect subject to scrutiny

Source: The Sydney Morning Herald/March 25, 2008 By Paul Bibby The general manager of the Royal Easter Show said he would not be surprised if a cafe run at the event by a Christian sect was inspected by the state’s workplace watchdog after revelations its workers were not being paid. Michael Collins said officers from…

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The Twelve Tribes Money Machine

Source: yattblogspot 2008 February 18, 2008 The life of the typical Twelve Tribes member is very simple.  Women’s dresses and “Sus” pants are hand made and most other clothes are bought at thrift stores.  Much of the communities organic food is self grown.  Members have given up all their possessions and do not have worldly…

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The return of the Yellow Deli (+comments)

Reposted from: Lookout Valley Informer Donnie Bryson The Yellow Deli folks, who call themselves the Twelve Tribes, returned to Chattanooga for a reunion event at Warner Park this Easter Sunday.  Their handbill gave me the impression that they might set up another outpost in Chattanooga.  All I knew of them from the 70s was only…

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Australian Cult: Twelve Tribes Community arrives in Katoomba, Blue Mountains (NSW)

source: the ferret Wednesday, September 26, 2007 Brisbane – Sydney, Australia — A bizarre bible cult, which advocates beating children before they are old enough to walk, is recruiting in Queensland and New South Wales.Sources say its set up camp in Maleny on the Sunshine Coast (Qld) also Picton Galston and Katoomba in (NSW). Twelve…

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Twelve Tribes: A Cult of ‘Demonic Seducing Spirits’

Source: Ithacans opposed to the Twelve Tribes cult  He was looking to serve God with like-minded people. He thought communal living could be spiritually lifting, a way of life rare enough to spark his interest in his quest to serve God. And members of the Twelve Tribes, with their smiles and façades of happy living,…

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TT: Wikipedia Whitewashers

August 15, 2007 When associates of Diebold, Walmart, Monsanto, the Mormons, the Church of Scientology  and the Republican Party see something embarrassing on their Wikipedia page, they don’t worry much about the truth content of the information, or about Wikipedia’s Neutral Point of View policy, they just remove the irksome entry and often put text…

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12 Tribes France TV Doc 2007 English Subtitles

This documentary was aired on French TV in 2007. The original title, translated reads: Children under cults mind control. It is in total more than 1 hour long with the first section on the 12 Tribes being in total 32 mns and the rest being dedicated to investigate the Jehovah’s Witnesses organization.  The whole documentary…

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