“Thank you God for getting me off the farm”

Two bloggers tell of their time in the Picton, Australia community of The Twelve Tribes of Israel Source: Life out of a backpack 2011/02/24 Sunday, 13 Feb: Made it back to Katoomba safe and sound and went up to the Common Ground Café to find out the details about leaving for the farm on Monday.  It…

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From Commune to College: One Young Woman’s Road to Independence

Samantha Brosseau was raised in a strict Christian commune. At age 18, she decided to run away to escape her oppressive lifestyle and go to college – but leaving wasn’t nearly as simple as she’d hoped. Tonic, California/July 19, 2010 By Lisa DeBenedictis Samantha Brosseau twists her ring around her finger absentmindedly. It consists of…

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Twelve Tribes cited; burn violated Vermont’s air laws

Source: Brattleboro Reformer Howard Weiss- Tisman July 10, 2010 Westminister, Vt – The state is alleging that members of the Twelve Tribes violated Vermont air pollution control regulations when they burned the remnants of the former Oonas restaurant on their farm in Westminister. The religious group was also cited for illegally operating a solid waste…

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12 Tribes & The Preservation Seed

Source: http://www.kazookazoo.ca/kazine/kazine9.pdf Download original PDF: kazine9 Two mountains lie forever spooning each other against the encrusted cluster of little lit houses below me. My friend Parizeau and I sit high on slabs of rock in Gyro Park, pounding back Goldschlager and smoking. I had managed to arrange an interview with a member of the Twelve…

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