Sect children were handed over to Germany

News Panorama – Germany June 14, 2014 Thomas Hasler Translated from the German Members of the Bible-based Twelve Tribes cult tried to hide two children in Switzerland. In September 100 German police liberated 40 children in a spectacular raid on the Bible-based Twelve Tribes cult. They later brought the children to foster care. The parents…

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A former member recounts his experiences of violence in the Twelve Tribes cult Patrick Guyton June 14, 2014 Translated from the German The controversial Bible-based Twelve Tribes cult made headlines this past year because of beating allegations. Once, Christian Reip remembers he stole and ate a bit of sugar. The adults discovered his offense. The baptized adults admonished Reip’s father to discipline his child. His father then…

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Twelve Tribes bible-based cult mistreats their children

“They live separated from the world with their children.” Spiegel Online September 20, 2013 Anna Kistner Translated from the German Shovels and buckets are scattered in the sandbox. Two empty swings dangle in the wind. A volleyball net is set up in the front yard. A “robbery squad” (the police), took their children on Thursday,…

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