Dvanáct kmenů v Hergot!u: Chytni se pluhu a neohlížej se

Source: http://www.rozhlas.cz/radiowave/hergot/_zprava/dvanact-kmenu-v-hergotu-chytni-se-pluhu-a-neohlizej-se–1490469 18. květen 2015 Hergot! Gene Weissmann stál u zrodu hnutí Dvanáct kmenů v 70. letech v Tennessee, Anne přibližně o dekádu později opustila svůj život úspěšné právničky a připojila se ke komunitě ve VermontuFoto: Dominik Čejka V návaznosti na předcházející díl se Hergot! noří hlouběji do svébytné tradice náboženského hnutí Dvanáct kmenů. Tradice je…

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My Take On The Yellow Deli People (+responses)

Source:TheChattanoogan.com – from section titled OPINION – 7 may 2015 Thursday, May 21, 2009 Last August I came to UTC as a freshmen studying Political Science and Anthropology, I was warned by staff and local family to stay away from “them Yella Deli people” because they are a “cult.” I being naturally a rebellious teenager…

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US cult expert+sociologist warns of child abuse in the 12 Tribes+2 other cults

Source: International Journal of Cultic Studies Volume 1, 2010, 27-48 Original title of essay (The Northeast Kingdom Community is short for Northeast Kingdom Community Church, name the 12 Tribes had previously): House of Judah, the Northeast Kingdom Community, and ‘the Jonestown Problem’ Downplaying Child Physical Abuses and Ignoring Serious Evidence Stephen A. Kent Department of…

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‘Las Doce Tribus’, una secta en el punto de mira por maltrato infantil que se extiende por toda Europa

DOCUMENTAL COMPLETO aquí Segunda parte del documental aquí Fuente: La sexta, abril 2015 SUS NEGOCIOS SON LA EXCEPCIÓN A SU AISLAMIENTO La comunidad religiosa ‘Las Doce Tribus’ se originó en Francia y se extiende por toda Europa. Mantienen a sus hijos sin escolarizar, aislados, sin salir de su comunidad. Todos los hombres deben llevar coleta,…

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12 Tribes 2015 Spanish TV documentary (ENG. subtitles)

Complete documentary can be seen here Source:La Sexta, 17 April 2015 Transcript of video in English: link here The Twelve Tribes, a sect under scrutiny for child abuse is across all Europe. This religious community originated in France. They keep their children unschooled, isolated, not allowing them to come out of the community. They scream…

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