Who are these apocalyptic ‘Twelve Tribes’ Jesus freaks following Bob Dylan around?

Source: Dangerous minds blog-09/10/2013 Have you heard about the Twelve Tribes group of “Amish-style” hippies—the men have beards, headbands, and ponytails and the women dress like Old West extras on Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman—who have been following Bob Dylan’s tour around in a bus handing out a freaky 24-page ‘zine (“Dylan: What Are You Thinking?”)…

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conversation between a Christian and a Twelve Tribes member

found here:http://www.gospelmailbox.org/sermons-and-essays/the-return-of-the-yellow-deli/   3 thoughts on “The Return of the Yellow Deli” I recently visited and talked with some people there. One of the gentlemen there asked me a question:“If you can’t really face the selfishness within yourself, then what business do you have trying to address the selfishness in others?” I wasn’t sure exactly…

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Yellow Deli will reorganize to comply with state laws

  Source: Sandiegoreader By Edward Sifuentes | 5:41 a.m. March 17, 2013 The Yellow Deli and other businesses owned by a North County religious organization will have to reorganize to comply with state laws, including workers’ compensation insurance rules, according to the California Department of Industrial Relations. The sandwich-and-coffee cafe in downtown Vista is owned by…

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Yellow Deli People

Source : San Diego reader 2013 January 3 2013 Dorian Hargrove  Not only are roads unneeded, there is no need for cars or personal possessions. All the Twelve Tribes require for the journey is a community that shares – love, friendship, earthly possessions – everything in exchange for peace and salvation. The Twelve Tribes is…

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Yellow Deli People: Mellow believers or cult of opportunists? (+responses)

Source: San Diego Reader.com                                                     Turning back the clock 2000 years is no easy task   By Dorian Hargrove, Jan. 2, 2013  Images by Howie Rosen      Where members of the Twelve Tribes want to go, they don’t need roads. Not only are roads unneeded, there is no need for cars or personal possessions. All…

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What’s your story? Samie Brosseau

Convene Magazine Barbara Palmer December 2012 In Samie Brosseau’s successful application for the 2011 Don Lawrence Memorial Scholarship, recently presented to her by PCMA’s New England Chapter, she summed up years of questioning and struggle in one short sentence: “At the young age of 18, I left home against my parents’ wishes, and pursued a…

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