Staying with a cult

This is the market, the public face of Twelve Tribes. Source: Wander for life June 16-18. Stonybrook Organic Farm, Hillsboro, VA. I needed a vacation from my vacation–a few days off the trail where I could eat healthy food, do something different, but not spend a fortune. On my ‘Bucket List’ is working for stay…

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Twelve Tribes A to Z

  A to Z A dangerous cult The most dangerous cult of all About How the Twelve Tribes recruit young people Ithaca Narcissistic Personality Disorder Elbert Eugene Spriggs and the nine criteria for narcissistic personality disorder The Cult Leader Primer “Tales of the Victim’s Life” The cult of the narcissist The Personality Disorders Newspaper Articles…

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The Twelve Tribes Part 2: The Peacemaker and The Redeemed

Source: 2014 Updated on January 7, 2014 The Peacemaker Bus Peacemaker Bus Medical Tent at Camp Oswego Phish Concert. | Source The Twelve Tribes: First Impressions When the Twelve Tribes first moved to my city, I had no idea who they were. I noticed a group of groovy looking folks building a restaurant. The…

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Yellow Deli hoping to bring sandwiches and ‘fruit of the spirit’ to downtown Lawrence

Source: Lawrence Journal Posted by Chad Lawhorn January 8, 2014 . Maybe some of you have seen the signs advertising a new deli coming to the 600 block of Vermont Street in downtown Lawrence. Maybe some of you even know the backstory. It certainly is an old one — like about 2,000 years old. Plans call…

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A sad echo from across the seas: “They’re still at it!”

Source:The Chronicle, Vermont, 17 September 2013 by nataliehormilla  In this Chronicle file photo, a Vermont state trooper carries a bundle of wooden rods out of a restaurant owned by the Island Pond community on June 22, 1984.   “They’re still at it!” That’s what we said when we read the astounding news that on September…

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