Three cult members wanted in abductions

Cops wait for fugitive Source: The Winnipeg sun-1993 The Winnipeg Sun, Friday, April 2, 1993 By Donna Carreiro – Sun Staff Writer Three members of a controversial religious cult which moved into Winnipeg this week are wanted across North America on child abduction charges, The Sun has learned. And police suspect at least one of…

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In good faith?

Winnipeg Sun/April 1, 1993 By Donna Carreiro A controversial religious cult alleged to be involved in systematic abuse arrived in Winnipeg to set up a chapter yesterday. The first two members of the Northeast Kingdom community church [now known as Twelve Tribes] began moving into a North end home yesterday, said Gord Gillespie, Manitoba Cult…

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Controversial Commune

The selling that angers Barrington Passage Maclean’s Magazine Belle Hatfield September 26, 1988 The inexpensive menu and rustic decor soon had tourists and local residents flocking through the doors.  But within a month the Old Schoolhouse Restaurant’s opening on July 6, in the south shore Nova Scotia hamlet of Barrington Passage, was at the centre…

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Pre-dawn raids fail to find abducted kids

Winnipeg Free Press Doug Nairne April 11, 1986 Winnipeg Police are unrepentant after a massive pre-dawn raid on six homes and businesses operated by a controversial religious group came up empty-handed yesterday. But representatives of the group – called the Community of Winnipeg – say the police are treating them unfairly and persecuting them because…

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Juan Mattatall wins temporary custody of his five children

Source:Factnet archives, via Xenu directory 10 november 1982 Juan Mattatall won temporary custody of his five children Wednesday from a judge who heard testimony that children in the religious community to which the youngsters’ mother belongs were whipped. Superior Court Judge Ernest Gibson III said testimony from former members of Northeast Kingdom Community Church about…

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