Tabitha’s Place: Former followers file complaint

Source:Le Parisien November 24, 2006 Jean-Marc Ducos Translated from the French (Cheryl – web mistress of Twelve A family of five children, who lived for five years at Tabitha’s Place community in Sus, France, filed a complaint stating the cult abused them when they were at their weakest.  They lived a real ordeal before…

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Authorities have discovered in the Pyrenees-Atlantic a community where the children and its members are “cut off from society.”

Le November 22, 2006 Translated from the French (Cheryl – web mistress) ***Certain liberties were taken with the original French text in describing the Twelve Tribes and Elbert Eugene Spriggs. Several members of the Parliamentary Commission on sects visited Tabitha’s Place, a community based in Sus, near Pau (Pyrenees Atlantic) to investigate with the…

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The death of baby Raphael Ginhoux

Humanity Presse April 8, 1997 Yesterday morning, the police visited a local cult “Tabitha’s Place” located in the Pyrenees after the death of a baby on Thursday. The group is considered very unorthodox.  The prosecutor investigated the parents over the weekend when he discovered the child was suffering from malnutrition and child endangerment. Yesterday about…

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Smiles cover the mystery at Tabitha’s Place. Physicians examined 79 sect children when Raphael died Thursday.

Source of translation: Cheryl – Web mistress of Twelve Original source: Liberation.Fr April 8, 1997 Translated from the French In the courtyard, a group of children wave at the visitors. Little girls and women wear long hair, baggy skirts that cover the ankles, dresses, or sus pants and braids. The boys and men sport…

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