Ex-member of the community in Sus behind the investigation confides in France Bleu Béarn

Source:France Bleu Béarn Exclusif par Daniel Corsand, France Bleu Béarn Wednesday, June 17, 2015 at 3:26 p.m. Born at the Chateau de Sus, a former member of the community, lived there until he came of age. The young man recounts his childhood, his adolescence, abuse and also the reasons for his departure, while on Tuesday, ten people belonging…

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Sus : un ancien enfant de Tabitha’s Place raconte son calvaire

Source: La République des Pyrénées-17 juin 2015 Par B.R. Publié le 17/06/2015 à 18h15 Mise à jour : 18/06/2015 à 07h21 Bob (de dos) témoigne pour prévenir des dangers de l’embrigadement sectaire. (A. Torrent) Les gardes à vue des personnes interpellées à la communauté “Les Douze Tribus” (Tabitha’s Place) ont été levées mardi soir vers…

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US cult expert+sociologist warns of child abuse in the 12 Tribes+2 other cults

Source: International Journal of Cultic Studies Volume 1, 2010, 27-48 Original title of essay (The Northeast Kingdom Community is short for Northeast Kingdom Community Church, name the 12 Tribes had previously): House of Judah, the Northeast Kingdom Community, and ‘the Jonestown Problem’ Downplaying Child Physical Abuses and Ignoring Serious Evidence Stephen A. Kent Department of…

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A former member recounts his experiences of violence in the Twelve Tribes cult

Tagblatt.de Patrick Guyton June 14, 2014 Translated from the German The controversial Bible-based Twelve Tribes cult made headlines this past year because of beating allegations. Once, Christian Reip remembers he stole and ate a bit of sugar. The adults discovered his offense. The baptized adults admonished Reip’s father to discipline his child. His father then…

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