Criticisms from ex-members and relatives

Source: Wikipedia These paragraphs were written in 2015 as part of the Wikipedia entry on the Twelve Tribes. They stayed until a certain Twelve Tribes member fulfilling his role as a watchdog deleted the whole section in one go. Many are the testimonies written and verbal by ex-members and their relatives (1)(2) which can be…

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When Religious Violence Can’t Escape Exemption

Francie Diep Oct 23, 2015 A recent case of violence in a small, closed church highlights the role of religious exemptions in the American legal system… …The case brings fresh attention to the operations of small, radical churches in the United States, which are often protected by special religious exemption laws. In the September/October issue…

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Comments on the 12 Tribes-Sept. 2015

Source: Metafilter“I was robbed of my childhood” September 2, 2015 6:33 PM Children are defenseless against abuse. They don’t vote. They don’t organize. They don’t have money to hire lobbyists or spin media campaigns to protect their interests. They don’t have a voice. They rely on adults for protection—and sometimes it’s those same adults who…

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Children of the Tribes-1rst Sept 2015

 This excellent, well researched article was published by Pacific Standard, a National Magazine, Award-winning, bimonthly based out of California. The whole article can be seen on Pacific Standard’s online magazine: here The following are the first paragraphs: Shuah Jones, 15, stuffed clothes under her bed blankets in the shape of a body, grabbed her diary…

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Children as property: The common root of religious child abuse and the pro-life movement

Source: Valerie Tarico, AlterNet 18 Aug 2015 at 23:57 ET On the surface, valuing embryonic life and abusing children are at odds, but with a biblical view of childhood, these positions can go hand in hand. Why do the same people who fight against abortion argue that parents should have the right to hit their…

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Sects in Australia: Fringe religious groups that have left their mark on the nation (incl.12T)-4/8/2015

Source: The Daily Telegraph – 5th August 2015 OSCAR-WINNER Cate Blanchett‘s debut as director will tell the story of a woman who flees a cult only to fall into a nightmare of imprisonment and government detention. Screen Australia says the actor will direct Stateless, a television series based on the story of German-Australian woman and…

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EXCLUSIF | L’ancien adepte de la communauté de Sus à l’origine de l’enquête se confie à France Bleu Béarn

Source: Le Bearn Bleu 17 Juin 2015 Article et radio interview exclu par Daniel Corsand, France Bleu Béarn Mercredi 17 juin 2015 à 15h26 Né au château de Sus, cet ancien adepte de la communauté, y a vécu jusqu’à sa majorité. Le jeune homme raconte son enfance, son adolescence, les sévices et aussi les raisons…

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Ex-member of the community in Sus behind the investigation confides in France Bleu Béarn

Source:France Bleu Béarn Exclusif par Daniel Corsand, France Bleu Béarn Wednesday, June 17, 2015 at 3:26 p.m. Born at the Chateau de Sus, a former member of the community, lived there until he came of age. The young man recounts his childhood, his adolescence, abuse and also the reasons for his departure, while on Tuesday, ten people belonging…

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