This initial video begins to explore a few issues related to the Twelve Tribes and their business fronts Yellow Deli and farmer’s market booth, which are used to recruit and fundraise in Nelson, BC Canada. The main topics that are featured here are “child discipline” trans/homo-phobia and the structure of the organization behind the Twelve…
April 2018: Interviewed by Sea to Sea (a youtube program of mystery and paranormal) Sinasta Colucci has a candid but serious long look at his experiences as a “disciple of Yahshua”. He shares his insights with lightheartedness and invites us to read his newly published book: “Better than a Turkish prison, what I have learned…
Source: UNADFI La Cour européenne des droits de l’homme (CEDH) a statué que les autorités allemandes avaient eu raison de retirer les enfants de la communauté des Douze Tribus (connue en France sous le nom de Tabitha’s Place) pour leur éviter de subir de nouveaux sévices corporels. En 2013, un reportage tourné en caméra cachée…
Source: The Associated Press-National Post David Rising March 22, 2018 BERLIN — The European Court of Human Rights on Thursday upheld Germany’s decision to take away the children of families in a Christian sect to protect them from being disciplined by caning, agreeing the punishment constituted child abuse and authorities were left with no choice….
Source: CASE OF TLAPAK AND OTHERS v. GERMANY DOWLOAD CASE OF TLAPAK AND OTHERS v. GERMANY FIFTH SECTION CASE OF TLAPAK AND OTHERS v. GERMANY (Applications nos. 11308/16 and 11344/16) JUDGMENT STRASBOURG 22 March 2018 This judgment will become final in the circumstances set out in Article 44 § 2 of the Convention. It may…
Source: March 22, 2018 – European Convention of Human Rights Human rights judges today endorsed German courts’ decisions to take children belonging to the Twelve Tribes Church into care. In today’s Chamber judgments in the cases of Tlapak and Others v. Germany (nos. 11308/16 and 11344/16) and Wetjen and Others v. Germany (application nos. 68125/14…
Fuente: DW – Enfoque Europa Enfoque Europa – Marzo 2018 República checa: refugio para secta alemana Una secta cristiana deja Alemania tras ser condenada por maltrato infantil. Un miembro del culto fue sentenciado a prisión y algunos niños quedaron a cargo de la Oficina de Minoridad. Pero el grupo encontró un nuevo hogar en la…
Source: TrueDiscipleship Richard Hollerman Somehow most of us go through life, following the religion of our parents, and give little thought about why that religion even exists. When did it begin? Where did it begin? Why did it begin? How did it begin? What caused the religion to begin years ago? Who was responsible for…
Source: Diario Vasco A. LERATE SAN SEBASTIÁN. Jueves, 11 enero 2018, 06:33 El sacerdote Luis Santamaría, miembro de la Red Iberoamericana de Estudio de Sectas, tema del que es un experto, señala contundente que «¡Claro que hay sectas en Gipuzkoa!». En su opinión «las hay con forma religiosa y otras que están detrás de los…
Original title: Deutsche Prügel-Sekte zog nach Tschechien Source: Fokus Europa The controversial early Christian sect “Twelve Tribes” left Germany after being convicted of child abuse and a sect member received a prison sentence, with some children still under the care of the German Youth Welfare Office.