12 Tribes & The Preservation Seed

Source: http://www.kazookazoo.ca/kazine/kazine9.pdf Download original PDF: kazine9 Two mountains lie forever spooning each other against the encrusted cluster of little lit houses below me. My friend Parizeau and I sit high on slabs of rock in Gyro Park, pounding back Goldschlager and smoking. I had managed to arrange an interview with a member of the Twelve…

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Seita religiosa na Espanha rejeita a medicina e defende o castigo físico como forma de educação

Source: Bol Noticias Juan Diego Quesada 18/03/2009 Eles não mandam os filhos à escola, admitem o castigo físico como uma forma de educá-los, segundo ex-membros, e em muitos casos rejeitam os tratamentos médicos. A comunidade das Doze Tribos, que tenta viver como os cristãos primitivos, se assentou em várias regiões da Espanha “Eles o manipulam…

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Why we boycott Mate Factor

Promoting a boycott of the Mate Factor restaurant on the Ithaca Commons and raising awareness about the beliefs and practices of the Twelve Tribes religious cult. March 6, 2009 John Sullivan In Ithaca many people consider the consequences of how and where they spend their money.  My wife and I have friends who can tell…

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Oona’s renovations: Two years is too long

Brattleboro Reformer, Vermont/December 5, 2008 By Howard Weiss-Tisman Rockingham – The Basin Farm is in violation of the town’s zoning bylaw and stands to be fined $100 a day for its failure to renovate the former Oona’s restaurant in downtown Bellows Falls. The Rockingham Zoning Board of Adjustment on Wednesday rejected the religious group’s appeal…

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