Peace, love and mind control

-one Sydney couple’s journey through the Twelve Tribes religious cult. Source: Sydney Morning Herald Sydney couple Rosemary Ilich aka Rose Ilich and Mark Ilich who spent 14 years with the Twelve Tribes religious cult. Photo: Tim Bauer  watch the accompanying video interview One Saturday in October 1996, Mark Ilich and his wife Rosemary did something…

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Sus (64) : une nouvelle enquête sur la communauté Tabitha’s Place

Source: Sud-Ouest: -19 novembre 2013- Une nouvelle enquete sur la communaute de Tabitha’s Place Publié le 19/11/2013 à 06h00 , modifié le 19/11/2013 à 09h27 par Élisa Artigue-Cazcarra Elle porte sur des soupçons de travail dissimulé et de manquements à l’obligation de scolarisation d’enfants vivant dans le château loué par la communauté Le château a…

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Twyford on Twelve Tribes

Mid Devon Gazette October 4, 2013 There is more to Stentwood Farm than fresh bread and smiles. Some people still smack their children, and I’m sure many more are tempted to do so, but would anyone want to hit them regularly with a balloon stick?  The days when children were frequently pelted are thankfully gone,…

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A sad echo from across the seas: “They’re still at it!”

Source:The Chronicle, Vermont, 17 September 2013 by nataliehormilla  In this Chronicle file photo, a Vermont state trooper carries a bundle of wooden rods out of a restaurant owned by the Island Pond community on June 22, 1984.   “They’re still at it!” That’s what we said when we read the astounding news that on September…

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Twelve Tribes abuse their free work force

RTL News September 15, 2013 Translated from the German (Cheryl – web mistress of Twelve Tribes More and more information is received about the Twelve Tribes Bible-based cult.  Sect parents bash their children with the rod. A new terrible realization: maybe some of us have experienced more contact with this cult, than intended.  Perhaps…

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40 Kids Rescued from Christian Sect that Abuses in God’s Name Bavaria, Germany.  Police have swooped in to rescue forty children from a Christian sect, following allegations that the children were being physically abused. The sect, known as “Twelve Tribes,” that has bases globally and promotes hitting children with rods as God’s word, was subject to a dawn raid, involving one hundred police officers, at…

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In Germany’s Twelve Tribes sect, cameras catch ‘cold and systematic’ child-beating

Source: The Independent UK- 10 Sept. 2013 Download PDF:In Germany A documentary revealed the torture inflicted by a religious community on its young TONY PATERSON  BERLIN Tuesday 10 September 2013 The little blond-haired boy is about four years old. He simpers as a middle aged woman drags him downstairs into a dimly-lit cellar and orders…

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