Twelve Tribes Communities. A warning [from a fellow traveler]

Source: From Vagabond, posted on 25 of January 2016 So mainly in the northeast but also in Tennessee, Georgia, and even Europe there’s this group they call themselves the 12 tribes. They are really really (like freakishly) nice to travelers, and recruit them for the communities. Basically they invited you back to the compound,…

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My accidental sleep over with a cult

Source: Cynthia Stewart August 3, 2015 I docked my canoe at Watermelon Campground at last. I had just paddled about 150 miles on the Shenandoah River, which flows parallel to the Appalachian Trail in the Shenandoah Mountains of Virginia. Hikers call this aqua-blazing, as opposed to following the white blazes that mark the Appalachian…

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Waiting for a family — A happy ending to a sad story

Source: Cult Help and Information Original article from Syracuse Herald American, Sunday, April 13, 1997. After eight years on the run, her sons are home again.  Reclaiming kids from cult took Scriba woman across America. By Janet Gramza and Todd Lighty When the phone call finally came, Laurie Johnson’s heart soared.  After an eight-year search…

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Exposing the false gospel of Twelve Tribes (video-2015)

From Christian group in Louisville, Kentucky: Published on Jul 22, 2015 We encountered several deceived young men during our ForeCastle Festival Outreach. They tried desperately to convince us that the gospel was sharing one bank account and living in a community. The Twelve Tribes cult – like all other false religions- hold to a…

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Is the Twelve Tribes a Cult?

Source: Goodmanson blog There are many ‘anti-cult’ sites (Rick Ross Twelve Tribes resources, Twelve Tribes-EX) that attack the Twelve Tribes for being a cult. Their claims often attack positions the Twelve Tribes takes on discipline, lifestyle and Biblical authority. I’ve had a couple people request feedback from my stay at the Twelve Tribes commune in…

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Urteil gegen “Zwölf Stämme” Geldstrafe für Prügel-Lehrer

Source: Der Spiegel An einer Schule der Christengemeinschaft “Zwölf Stämme” wurden Jugendliche offenbar regelmäßig geschlagen. Nun verurteilte das Gericht einen Lehrer der Sekte. Weitere Verfahren sollen folgen. Ein Bild aus der Verhandlung in der vergangenen Woche: Nun hat das Gericht den 54-jährigen ehemaligen Lehrer verurteilt Montag, 23.11.2015   16:10 Uhr Drucken Nutzungsrechte Feedback Er soll…

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Religious sect elder convicted in Germany of hitting child

Source: SFGate,23 November 2015 Updated 4:55 am, Monday, November 23, 2015 BERLIN (AP) — A 54-year-old elder from a Christian sect in southern Germany has been convicted of causing bodily harm by hitting a child in his care with a 1.2-meter (four-foot) switch. He was sentenced to six months probation. The “Twelve Tribes” elder, whose name…

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Verprügelte Kinder Harte Gefängnisstrafe für “Zwölf-Stämme”-Lehrerin

Source: Der Spiegel Die Sekte “Zwölf Stämme” ist bekannt für ihren brutalen Umgang mit Kindern. Jetzt ist erstmals eine Lehrerin der Fundamentalchristen zu einer Haftstrafe verurteilt worden. Sie soll besonders heftig geprügelt haben. Täuschende Idylle: Eingangsschild in Klosterzimmern bei Deiningen Montag, 16.11.2015   17:43 Uhr Drucken Nutzungsrechte Feedback Kommentieren In Bayern steht seit Montag ein…

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Criticisms from ex-members and relatives

Source: Wikipedia These paragraphs were written in 2015 as part of the Wikipedia entry on the Twelve Tribes. They stayed until a certain Twelve Tribes member fulfilling his role as a watchdog deleted the whole section in one go. Many are the testimonies written and verbal by ex-members and their relatives (1)(2) which can be…

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A Cult A Day: The Twelve Tribes-Nov.2015

Source: This article is part of a series called “A cult A day” which first page you will find here By Mark HayTuesday, November 10, 2015   Cult is an ominous word. Conjuring up images of glass-eyed devotees and ecstatic rituals, for most of us it’s a pejorative term used to describe unusual spirituality. But…

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